A Spring Boot REST API with CRUD operations
This is a repository for a simple Spring Boot REST API project which can perform CRUD operations. It is modeled as a task manager that allows the user to assign, update and delete task for members of a project. Application has a security layer that is role-based - USER is allowed only to GET methods, ADMIN is allowed to all methods
Technologies and frameworks used in this project:
- Spring
- Spring-data
- Spring-security
- Spring-mvc
- Hibernate
In order to properly run the program follow these steps:
- Make sure you have Java version 11+
- Clone this project to your local directory
- Create database schema named 'task_manager' for your root user
- Set username and password for your SQL account in application.properties file
- Run the program and go to localhost:8080
- Log in using 'admin' or 'user' usernames and 'password' as a password for both roles