A simple terraform setup to deploy a dev environment to digital ocean.
The current setup allows the user to deploy a series of virtual machines to DigitalOcean. Currently it uses the sister repository here to generate the original template for use here.
- 3 vms:
- 1 Loadbalancer vm that will eventually be loaded with something like HAProxy
- 2 Application vms that will hold whatever dockerized applications you want.
- Basically there were situations in my life where I wanted to be able to build containerized applications and test them in front of a load balanced system.
- Complete the steps in the sister repository.
- Move into the
foldercd applications/backend
- Execute a terraform init:
terraform init
- Make sure you have your digital ocean api key set on an environmental variable:
export do_token="TOKEN GOES HERE"
- Manipulate the deployment variables as you see fit:
vim env/dev.tfvars
- Run a terraform apply (making sure to give it your tfvar file and you local env variable with your api key):
terraform apply -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" --var-file=/full/path/for/some/reason/required/env/dev.tfvars
- Good to go to start testing the deployment out.
- Integrate a load balancer on the load balancer machine
- I started a method for moving files over to the deployed machines using optional provisioning but opted to keep it out of the inital push and will focus on it later.
- Setup a local docker registry machine perhaps to make the pushing of containers easier? Not sure