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Portfolio Rust

My portfolio website, created using Leptos. This is a side project and its primary function, is for me to learn webassembly and rust. Feel free to use any code you want and help me improve the app.

The website should be available at

Required Dependencies

Install cargo-leptos if you don't already have it.

  • cargo install cargo-leptos

Start using the nightly toolchain if not already.

  • rustup toolchain install nightly
  • rustup default nightly
  • rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Install tailwind to compile css.

  • npm -i tailwindcss -g

Running In Development

Start the application in watch mode for development. Use 2 windows.

  • npx tailwindcss -i style/tailwind.css -o style/generated.css --watch
  • cargo leptos watch

The server will be available at (Is also using port 3001)

Running In Docker

Install Docker, if not installed.

Build the docker container and run it.

  • docker build . -t portfolio-rs
  • docker run -d --name portfolio -p 3000:3000 portfolio-rs

The server will then be available at

Deployment to

The website runs in the cloud on a platform called

The GitHub workflow will automatically build the docker image, and later use it to then publish the container to