Autrhor: KangLin(
|-- android/ # The library source code
| |-- QtAndroidUtilsModule
| |-- jni # jni source code
| |-- src # java source code
|-- daemon/ # The daemon code
- Verify storage permissions
- Vibrate
- Screen wake
- Android system directory
- Message notifiction
- Call system album and camera
- Share
- Use Qtcreate open
- build
- Generate library
- JNI(*.so) :
- Android(.aar): QtAndroidUtilsModule-.aar
Introduce this project to the application source tree
If the application hasn't its own android source code
Add the project to the application
$ cd application_root $ git submodule add android
Add android/android.pri to application's main profile
$ cd application_root $ vim android: include(android/android/android.pri)
If the application has its own android source code. ag: application_root/android
$ ls application_root/android android.pri AndroidManifest.xml build.gradle jni/ src/
then git submodle from this project to the application's android directory:
$ cd application_root/android $ git submodule add
Add jni module to application project file
qmake project: android.pri
$ cd application_root/android $ vim android.pri # Add jni android { # Include pri include(QtAndroidUtils/android/QtAndroidUtilsModule/jni/jni.pri) # Include header files path INCLUDEPATH *= QtAndroidUtils/android/QtAndroidUtilsModule/jni }
cmake project
$ cd application_root $ vim CMakeLists.txt add_subdirectory(android/QtAndroidUtils/android/QtAndroidUtilsModule/jni)
Add java module
Generate module library: add the following code to settings.gradle
$ cd application_root/android $ vim settings.gradle // Add to compile aar module include ':QtAndroidUtils/android/QtAndroidUtilsModule'
Modify build.gradle to add implementation project(':QtAndroidUtils/android/QtAndroidUtilsModule') to dependencies
$ cd application_root/android $ vim build.gradle dependencies { // Add aar project implementation project(':QtAndroidUtils/android/QtAndroidUtilsModule') }
Use as a library
Android (*.aar)
Copy QtAndroidUtilsModule-release.aar to libs
Add the following code to build.gradle
$ cd application_root/android $ vim build.gradle repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } }
add the following code to dependencies
$ cd application_root/android $ vim build.gradle dependencies { // Add aar module implementation (name:'QtAndroidUtilsModule-release',ext:'aar') }
JNI (*.so)
qmake project
- Import library:
- inlude heade files
cmake project