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Intelligent Object Sorting using Deep Reinforcement Learning Robot & Computer Vision

This repository holds the project files of 'Practical Course Robotics: WS21-22' presented at Universität Stuttgart.

* The idea is to use deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithm for robot object tending.
* For Proof of Concept, DRL algorithm's are benchmarked on openai-gym's 'FetchReach-v1' environment.
* DDPG is the best agent against PPO & TD3, considering the training rewards as a metric.
* New 'gym' wrapped 'rai' environment (env.) is designed using 'SolidWorks'.
* As solving the env. directly takes >4M episodes, the task is broken in parts to solve it faster.
* Wrapped functions are used to solve tasks.
* One of these functions is moving the robot point-to-point using the trained agent.
* Camera is used to build up object tending strategy to map the coloured objects to its coloured bin.
* This strategy is processed to tend the object in env. using the robot.

Proof of Concept

  1. OpenAI Gym Environments,

    • 'FetchReach-v1': The best agent is DDPG.

    • DDPG Agent is benchmarked for training rewards with PPO and TD3 Agents.

Repository Setup Instructions

  1. Clone & build rai from the github following it's installation instructions.

  2. Clone this repository.

    git clone --recursive
  3. Add these in the .bashrc file

    # Misc. Alias
    alias python='python3'
    alias pip='pip3'
    # RAI Paths
    export PATH="$HOME/rai/bin:$PATH"
    export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/usr/local/lib/rai"
    # Practical Robotics Lab Project Package
    export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$HOME/robotics-lab-project/"
  4. Source the modified .bashrc file

    source ~/.bashrc
  5. Install python package prequisites

    cd $HOME/robotics-lab-project
    pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Engineering the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) Algorithm

About: The Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) agent is an off policy algorithm and can be thought of as DQN for continuous action spaces. It learns a policy (the actor) and a Q-function (the critic). The policy is deterministic and its parameters are updated based on applying the chain rule to the Q-function learnt (expected reward). The Q-function is updated based on the Bellman equation, as in Q learning. (Source & Further Reading)

Vanilla DDPG Agent DDPG Agent + Parametric Exploration Noise + PER

2. Outcomes: Using Prioritized Experience Replay Buffer + Parametric Exploration Noise

  • Parameter space noise allows reinforcement learning algorithms to explore by perturbing parameters instead of actions, often leading to significantly improved exploration performance. (Source)

  • Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) is a type of experience replay in reinforcement learning frequently replay transitions with high expected learning progress are learnt more, as measured by the magnitude of their temporal-difference (TD) error. (Source)

Without Parametric Noise Overview With PER + Parametric Noise
  • Result: The DDPG Agent is 5 times better (metric: training rewards) with PER & Parametric Exploration.

3. Training DDPG Agent for Point-to-Point Robot Trajectory

Training Profile Testing Profile
  • The objective is to reach the random target position using DDPG Agent.
  • For each play step in a game,
    • Build: state = Current Robot TCP(x, y, z) | Target Location P(x, y, z)
    • Compute: action = actor.choose_noisy_action(state)
    • Get: next_state, reward, done = env.step(action)
  • DDPG Agent is optimized to maximize the reward for each play step over the games.

4. Vision based Pose Detection

  • Object Pose is computed by processing point cloud and RGB data.

5. Logging the Process Data

  • The object data is saved in .json format and processed image too.

            "Object ID": 0,
            "Camera Coordinates [u, v]": [
            "World Coordinates [x, y, z]": [
            "Color": "red"
            "Object ID": 1,
            "Camera Coordinates [u, v]": [
            "World Coordinates [x, y, z]": [
            "Color": "blue"

5. Object Sorting Process

  • The processed data is dumped in the folder

6. Runnnig the App

cd main
