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  • Update Dockerfile - currently entrez installation won't work due to changed ftp repository
  • Put example csvs into data folder


Functional interfaces for transactions with NCBI databases. Download the refseq assembly summary file and parse the data into a pandas dataframe. Translate higher taxonomic nodes (e.g. Eubacteria - 2) into species level taxonomic nodes with the E-Direct tool. Filter entries in the assembly summary file with species level taxonomic nodes or limit BLAST searches with the option taxidlist. Download assemblies with the wget library, decompress .gz files by simultaneous creation of an taxmap file that can be used by makeblastdb.

If you can't access your jupyter notebook due to missing token or password open a terminal and submit following commands:

docker exec -it pythonblast_jupyter /bin/bash
jupyter notebook list

Quick Installation

Docker is used for the installation of required software.

docker build -t pythonblast:1.0 .
docker run -dt --name pythonblast_jupyter -v ${PWD}:/blast/applications -p pythonblast:1.0 

After container creation run: docker exec -it pythonblast_jupyter /bin/sh and activate the E-Direct executables with:

cd ../edirect
./ -y -t 9606

If everything is set successfully you should see this output in the container terminal:



Example commands for NCBIs C++ BLAST suite:

makeblastdb -in prot_1_db.faa -dbtype prot -taxid 1140 -blastdb_version 5
makeblastdb -in prot_2_db.faa -dbtype prot -taxid 1844971 -blastdb_version 5
blastdb_aliastool -dblist 'prot_1_db.faa prot_2_db.faa' -dbtype prot -title combined_db -out combined_db
blastp -query test.faa -db combined_db -out blast_out.table -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore qgi sgi sacc pident nident mismatch gaps qcovhsp staxids sscinames scomnames sskingdoms  stitle"

makeblastdb -in test.faa -dbtype prot -taxid_map acc_to_taxid.table -blastdb_version 5 -parse_seqids
blastp -query .\test.faa -db test.faa -out blast_out.table -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore qgi sgi sacc pident nident mismatch gaps qcovhsp staxids sscinames scomnames sskingdoms  stitle"


EDirect search commands for symbiosis, EPS and organismic interactions. Search field and tags for pubmed are listed here. Some examples regarding the linking process of EDirect commands.

esearch -db pubmed -query "EPS membrane formation" | elink -target protein | efilter -organism curvibacter | efetch -format fasta > curvibacter_eps_proteins.faa

esearch -db pubmed -query "genes involved in symbiosis" | efetch format abstract > abstracts_genes_involved_in_symbiosis.list.txt

esearch -db pubmed -query "genes involved in symbiosis" | elink -target protein | efilter -organism curvibacter | efetch -format fasta > curvibacter_symbiosis_gene_candidates.faa

esearch -db pubmed -query "organismic interactions" | elink -target protein | efilter -organism eubacteria | efetch -format fasta > eubacteria_organismic_interactions.faa

More advanced filtering with xtract.

esearch -db pubmed -query "microbiome [MAJR:TIAB] AND symbiosis [MAJR:TIAB] AND review [PT]" | efetch -format docsum | xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -sep '\t' -element Id PubDate Source Author Title ELocationID > symbiosis_reviews.txt

esearch -db pubmed -query "symbiosis[MAJR:TIAB] OR organismic+interactions[MAJR:TIAB] OR inter-kingdom[MAJR:TIAB] OR EPS[MAJR:TIAB]" | \
elink -target protein | \
efilter -organism "Curvibacter+sp.+AEP1-3" -source refseq | \
efetch -format fasta > curvibacter_symbiosis_gene_candidates.faa

esearch -db assembly -query "Curvibacter" | efetch -format docsum


Interfaces for transactions with NCBI databases






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