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Node.js API for interacting with the Payconiq V3 API


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Node.js implementation for interacting with the Payconiq V3 API

Disclaimer: this is not an official package from Bancontact Payconiq Company or any affiliated entities or subsidiaries. This is my own implementation following the API Docs. In no way do I make any guarantees that this code is valid, safe, or well-written. That being said, I wrote this code for my own use, and if you want to use it in your project(s), you're free to do so in accordance to the license.

Payconiq is a Belgian digital payment provider with different products. This package aims to have a simpler way of using the Payconiq API V3.


This package is in no way feature-complete. I needed to use the Payconiq API for a project and decided to make a node package out of it for my own enjoyment. Thus the roadmap and (planned) features are mostly decided by my needs. That being said, I do try to make the use and implementation general enough such that it can be used in any project. I also more than welcome feature requests or pull requests.


Node.js 17.5+ because this package aims to have 0 dependencies, thus native fetch is needed.

TypeScript 4.7+ for ESM support, of course use of TypeScript is optional.


Install using npm:

npm install payconiq


import { PayconiqInvoice } from "payconiq"
// Every payconiq product has its own class
// Here, the invoice product is used
const payconiqInvoicing = PayconiqInvoice("lessSecretPaymentId", "verySecretAPIKey");

// deeplink
const invoiceURL = payconiqInvoicing.makePayment({
  amount: 1234,
  description: "products from us",
  reference: "myOwnReference"
// qr-code
const invoiceQRURL1 = payconiqInvoicing.makeQRcode({amount: 1234,})
const invoiceQRURL2 = payconiqInvoicing.makeQRcode(invoiceURL, {format: "SVG"})

// verify callback
const isLegit = payconiqInvoicing.verify(signatureFromRequest, bodyFromRequest, {callbackURL: 'https://…'})


Quick Overview

For every (implemented: instore, predefined, invoice, receipt) URL-string product there is a class exported: PayconiqInstore, PayconiqPredefined, PayconiqInvoice, and PayconiqReceipt. Since they all need an API key in their constructor it should only be used in the backend.

Common Across Products

All product classes have common or at least similar elements.


The constructor parameters are the same for all product classes:

  • ppid (string) .:. paymentId given by Payconiq.
  • apiKey (string) .:. API key given by Payconiq.
  • productOptions .:. an object with some optional keys:
    • callbackURL (string | null) .:. your callbackURL used to check the critical header path of requests. Use null to explicitly skip checking this critical header.
    • defQRCodeOpts (object) .:. if you want to set defaults for generated QR-codes.
    • environment ("PROD" or "EXT") .:. for use of the external of production environment, default is "PROD".


Every product has the same basic set of methods. However, their exact use may differ, mostly in being synchronous or asynchronous and its arguments. PayconiqInstore is the exception to the rule by not having a makeQRcode method at all.

makePayment(…) .:. depends on the product where it may have to register the payment against URL-string servers or only generate a URL-string identifying a payment

makeQRcode(…[, QRCodeOpts]) .:. will return a URL-string of the QR-code. The given QRCodeOpts will overwrite the ones in the constructor, and use the constructor ones when omitted.

Everywhere a Payconiq QR-code is generated, an object to customize it can be passed in. This object can contain any of the following entries, all of them being optional but overwriting the defaults set in the constructor for that function call. Payconiq should default to the the first value for every option: a small magenta png.

  • format .:. "PNG", or "SVG"
  • size .:. "S", "M", "L", "XL"
  • color .:. "magenta" or "black"

verify(signature, body[, verifyOpts]) .:. returns a boolean and is used to verify an incoming request from Payconiq servers to your callbackURL. Eventhough this method is shared among all product classs, the verification checks for ppid and thus should be used on the corresponding instance. The verifyOpts parameter is an object with following optional keys:

  • callbackURL (string | null) .:. your callbackURL used to check the critical header path of requests. Use null to explicitly skip checking this critical header. If not given, the one given to the constructor is used. However, skipping the use in both constructor and method will result in a runtime error unless one of the two is explicitly set to null to skip the check altogether.
  • now (number) .:. the timestamp to be used to compare against for the critical header iat, in milliseconds since epoch
  • maxAgeMs (number) .:. the maximum allowable time difference with the critical header iat when iat is earlier than now. A hard limit of 100ms is set when now is earlier than iat.

fetchJWKS({force, JWKS, lastFetch}) .:. (re)fetches the JWKS from Payconiq servers. Force (re)fetching by setting force to true. If you fetched the JWKS seperately, you can pass it in as JWKS and set its fetch time with lastFetch.

JWKS Handling

The JWKS is lazily fetched and cached. So the first verify call will check if there is a JWKS in the cache. If not or if they are too old or if force is set to true, they will be fetched and cached for later used. This can lengthen a (first) verify call. To expedite a verify call and alleviate it from having to (re)fetch JWKS, you can fetch them beforehand using the fetchJWKS method. The JWKS cache is shared among all products of the same environment, thus manually setting JWKS will also overwrite it for all other products using the same environment (although I am not completely sure when you would want different JWKS for products in the same environment).

Product classes

Currently three products are partly implemented. Since Payconiq can't always make up their minds on how to call them, I chose to use PayconiqInstore, PayconiqPredefined, PayconiqInvoice, and PayconiqReceipt.

Payment amounts are always given in (euro)cents (integer).

Payconiq only allows "EUR" as currency but relevant methods still include it for completeness.


Also referred to as ECR sticker or just sticker.

General info

This product is just a fixed QR-code pointing to the merchant. The client inputs the payment amount. I have not found a way to make a link to get the QR-code containing the deeplink. So there is no makeQRcode method. Although I haven't been able to test it, Payconiq devs assured me these payments also trigger a callback.


makePayment() .:. Returns the URL-string that can be used as a deeplink.


Also referred to as Static QR Sticker or Pre-defined sticker.

General info

This product is based on a Point-Of-Sale id (posId), which identifies a cash register or similar, and can handle 1 payment at a time, but many consecutive ones. When the payment is made, it is only valid for 2 minutes.


A posId consists of 1 to 36 characters, where the characters can be numbers or letters. Letters can be uppercase (x)or lowercase but cannot be a mix of lowercase and uppercase (ask me how I know).

makePOSURL(posId) .:. Returns a URL-string of the given posId.

makeQRcode(posId, qrCodeOpts) .:. Returns the URL-string of the QR-code for the given posId.

makePayment(posId, amount, extra) .:. Given a posId, an amount and other extra info, it will asynchronously create a payment for that posId, returning the response body in object form. extra is an object with optional properties (callbackUrl, currency, description, reference, bulkId, shopId, shopName) as described in the payconiq docs.

cancelPayment(bodyOrCancelLink) experimental.:. Given the response from makePayment or the cancel link itself, it will cancel the payment and return true, or error when unsuccessful. This method is untested and behaviour will change.


General info

A receipt is uniquely defined by three things: the amount, the description and the reference. Trying to make a second distinct receipt with those three things the same, will refer to the same receipt for Payconiq. The amount cannot exceed 999999 (euro)cents. The description and reference are (optional) strings with a length of maximum 35 characters. The description will be displayed to the customer, the reference can be used for your own internal reference. Eventhough the reference won't be made visible in the user's UI, it cannot contain sensitive data since it will be included in the URL. An object containing amount and the optional description and reference is herein refered to as receiptInfo.

Eventhough no methods using the API key are implemented, it is still needed in the constructor. This is for future use and to make sure your product is really activated (no API key, no product).


assertReceiptInfo(receiptInfo) .:. Throws assertion errors when the receiptInfo seems to be invalid.

makePayment(receiptInfo) .:. Synchronously returns a URL-string for the given receiptInfo that can be used as a deeplink.

makeQRcode(receiptInfoOrPaymentURL, qrCodeOpts) .:. Synchronously returns the URL-string of the QR-code for the given receiptInfo or from a URL-string (deeplink) like the one returned from makePayment.


General info

An invoice is uniquely defined by three things: the amount, the description and the reference. Trying to make a second distinct invoice with those three things the same will refer to the same invoice for Payconiq. The amount cannot exceed 999999 (euro)cents. The description and reference are (optional) strings with a length of maximum 35 characters. The description will be displayed to the customer, the reference can be used for your own internal reference. Eventhough the reference won't be made visible in the user's UI, it cannot contain sensitive data since it will be included in the URL. An object containing amount and the optional description and reference is herein refered to as invoiceInfo.

Eventhough no methods using the API key are implemented, it is still needed in the constructor. This is for future use and to make sure your product is really activated (no API key, no product). I guess if you really only need makePayment and makeQRcode methods in a front-end, you could supply it with a bogus API key.


assertInvoiceInfo(invoiceInfo) .:. Throws assertion errors when the invoiceInfo seems to be invalid.

makePayment(invoiceInfo) .:. Synchronously returns a URL-string for the given invoiceInfo that can be used as a deeplink.

makeQRcode(invoiceInfoOrPaymentURL, qrCodeOpts) .:. Synchronously returns the URL-string of the QR-code for the given invoiceInfo or from a URL-string (deeplink) like the one returned from makePayment.

Utility and Others

For your convenience an object mapping the product names ("instore", "predefined", "invoice", "receipt") to their classes (PayconiqInstore, PayconiqPredefined, PayconiqInvoice, PayconiqReceipt) is exported. Similarly two generic types are exported: PayconiqProductTypeToClass and PayconiqProductTypeToInstance mapping the same product names to their respective class types and instance types.

Every product gets a verifier that is either of the class PayconiqVerify or PayconiqVerifyEXT depending on the environment. When the verify gets invalid parameters, it will throw an PayconiqCallbackVerificationError.

A few request and response body types are exported, their names should be self-explanatory: PayconiqResponseError, PayconiqCallbackBody, PayconiqPOSRequestBody, PayconiqPOSResponseBody, PayconiqPOSCallbackBody, and PayconiqJOSEHeader with subtypes PayconiqDebtor, PayconiqCreditor, PayconiqLinks.

Most parameter types are exported as well: PayconiqEnvironment, PayconiqQRCodeFormat, PayconiqQRCodeSize, PayconiqQRCodeColor, PayconiqQRCodeOptions, PayconiqReceiptOrInvoiceInfo, PayconiqJWK, PayconiqJWKS, PayconiqJWKSbyKid, PayconiqStatusCodes, and PayconiqProductType.

Missing Features

This package does not include any features for partner integration or the following products: Terminal & Display, Custom Online, App2App, Top-up. This package cannot do payout reconciliation or help with refund services. The supported products are only partly so, in that they miss features for getting payments, getting a payment list or refunding.


Node.js API for interacting with the Payconiq V3 API







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