This API requires to be installed on a Linux distribution and to have Python3.6+ installed GCC, Python3-dev
- Clone the repository with
git clone
- Create a Python virtual environment with
python3 -m venv *environment name*
- Activate the envirnment with
source *repository path*/*environment name*/bin/activate
- Install the required libraries with
python3 -m pip install -r requirement.txt
To use the API start Once it booted up to get a recommendation for a user, do a get call with this format
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/recommend -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"userId":*user id*}'
and the system will return the top ten recommendation for that user.
By adding "itemId:*item id*
the system will also diplay recommendations related to that item and add that item to the list tha items that the user has interacted with.
By setting in config.json 'use_movielens' to true the system will use the movielens dataset.
The data files supplied to the system must be .json files, and there must be two kinds:
- Interaction files, where are written user-item interactions, with at least user id and item id per interaction
- item files, where is stored the item data data, with at least the item id
interaction file name: interactions_#####.json interaction file format: {"user_id":"#######","item_id":"##########"}
video file name: video_#######.json video file format:{"item_id":"###########","tags":["t1","t2","t3"]}
user file name: user_#######.json user file format: {"user_id":"#########","tags":["t1","t2","t3"]}
The config file can be changed to fit whatever json files you use.
- "use_movielens" to tell the system to use the movielens dataset instead of your data files.
- "data_directory_location" is where are your file stored.
- "item_data_file_pattern" is the pattern to search in the file names to find item data.
- "user_data_file_pattern" is the pattern to search in the file names to find user data.
- "user_interaction_file_pattern" is the pattern to search in the file names to find interaction data.
- "item_ID_key" and "user_ID_key" are the key to find the user IDs and item IDs.
- "item_tags" key in the item jsons to find the item features.
- "user_tags" key in the user jsons to find the user features.