An Android application that provides both online and offline search functionality for Movies and TV shows from TheMovieDB open API. Written in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose toolkit, a modern way for designing Android UI. This project is tested(Unit Testing), it's not Legacy code.
- Kotlin
- MVVM Clean Architecture
- Compose navigation (one activity, zero fragments)
- Retrieve Network Data from API (REST API)
- Retrofit2 & OkHttp3
- Database caching (Room)
- Pagination
- Monitoring Network Connectivity
- Dependency Injection (HILT)
- Use cases
- Datastore (New Shared Preferences)
- Unit Testing (Junit5)
- MockWebServer (Okhttp)
- Kotlin Flow
- Dependency management with Kotlin kts
- Queue system for managing error messages (Dialogs) "First in first out"
- Shimmer Animation
The data for movies/TV shows is fetched from TheMovieDB open API. The app supports online and offline functionality.