In software development, stuck
refers to issues or tasks that are currently blocked or facing obstacles.
The queue
section outlines the tasks that are lined up for future development.
Monty 0.98 is a scripting language that is first compiled into Monty byte codes (Just like Python). It relies on a unique stack, with specific instructions to manipulate it. The goal of this project is to create an interpreter for Monty ByteCodes files.
To use the Monty Byte Code Interpreter, follow these instructions:
$ monty file
Where file is the path to the file containing Monty byte code.
Task | File | Description |
0. push, pall | opcode_functs1.c | push an element to the stack and print all the values |
1. pint | opcode_functs1.c | prints the value at the top of the stack |
2. pop | opcode_functs1.c | removes the top element of the stack |
3. swap | opcode_functs2.c | swaps the top two elements of the stack |
4. add | operations_functs.c | adds the top two elements of the stack |
5. nop | opcode_functs2.c | doesn't do anything |
Task | File | Description |
6. sub | operations_functs.c | subtracts the top element of the stack |
7. div | operations_functs.c | divides the second top element of the stack |
8. mul | operations_functs.c | multiplies the second top element of the stack |
9. mod | operations_functs.c | computes the rest of the division of the second top element |
10. comments | get_function.c | treat the line startes with # as a comment (don’t do anything). |
11. pchar | print_functs.c | prints the char at the top of the stack, followed by a new line |
12. pstr | print_functs.c | prints the string starting at the top of the stack |
13. rotl | rotations_functs.c | rotates the stack to the top |
14. rotr | rotations_functs.c | rotates the stack to the bottom |
15. stack, queue | monty.c | Implement the stack and queue opcodes. |
16. Brainf*ck | bf/ | prints School, followed by a new line. |
17. Add two digits | bf/ | Add two digits given by the user. |
18. Multiplication | bf/ | Multiply two digits given by the user. |
19. Multiplication level up | bf/ | Multiply two digits given by the user. |
The code will be compiled this command:
$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=c89 *.c -o monty