Grading color selector is a tool for editing images. This program acsepts just png images sorry about this :p, but you can convert your image into png by another program so you can use this tool.
And this tool's benifit is that it can changes the color of pixels all over the image that are selected automaticly by their color that u've put , but its not just like selecting them by one color but its selected by a scale between two color values you put to the tool and this is the main reason and the benifit of the program.
For example you can say select pixeles that has the scale of a color between 0, 0, 0 and 255, 255, 255 and change their color to (255, 0, 0) , and what this program will do is that it will change all of the pixeles thay has a color between black and white (grays, black, white),
then you can save the image that you've made just as a png from the file menu, and the same for this you can convert the image into the type that you want using some program that you could find on internet.
For using this program just download the zip file then extract it in some directory that u want and the zip contains a folder for the program so the files don't mess the directry if you haven't allready made a folder for it and you don't have to so now I told you, so I just told u to not endup with two files of the program too.