This is a repository, containing code for deploying a static web application on Amazon S3 bucket on Amazon Web Services Platform, using Jenkins and BlueOcean. This code was tested to run on Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance, which is a service by Amazon Web Services.
- Set up an account for Amazon Web Serivces to use services by AWS, to deploy this code on Jenkins. Here's a link to register your own AWS account: AWS registration portal
- Set up an IAM user in AWS console, with permissions for EC2 Full Access, S3 Bucket Full Access and VPC FUll Access. Here's a link to know more about IAM users in AWS: AWS Documentation: What is IAM?
- Copy the generated Access Key and Secret Access Key of your IAM user, and login to the console using that.
- Set up an EC2 Instance with following parameters:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- T2.micro
- Security Group: Add Custom TCP Rule, Port Range 8080, Source and SSH rule: Protocol: SSH, Port range: 22, Source "My IP" Here's a link to help in launching EC2 instance:
- Connect to your EC2 instance. Here's a guide to connect to EC2 instance to your local machine: