To conduct an analysis on weather data collected by several stations for a future business owner looking to run a surf shop from Oahu.
The purpose of this analysis is to compare the weather data from June and December to determine if running a surf shop is sustainable year-round. We ran the queries separately and turned the results into a data frame which we will discuss below, we also gathered the statistics through the function .describe() to better understand and compare the data for the two months.
After conducting the analysis, we gather the following statistics for the months of June and December.
- June had a min of 64.00, max of 85.0 and a mean of 74.9.
-December had a min of 56.00, max of 83.0 and a mean of 71.0.
The difference in the standard deviation between June and December was only 0.49 since the standard deviation for June is "3.25" and "3.74" in December, showing there is not a significant difference in the two months.
Overall, running a surf shop from Oahu seems like a profitable business as the weather during the winter is not too cold. Since there are only two seasons in Hawaii, fall and winter, it would be insightful to run a query on precipitation data as this can severely influence conditions for surfing. Depending on how much data is collected by the stations we could also run a query on areas of the island that have better tides or are located closer to tourist spots that can guarantee more customers and revenue for the business.
Data Source: hawaii.sqlite
Software: Python 3.6.1, Visual Studio Code, 1.38.1, Jupyter Notebook, SQLite