Work in progress Travian inspired game(Mostly a clone, just trying out django capabilities)
Redis: / Django / Celery / Django-Celery-Beat / Django-Celery-Results /
- py -m venv venv
- venv\scripts\activate
- pip install redis
- pip install django
- pip install celery
- pip install django-celery-beat
- pip install django-celery-results
- cd travian_project
- py makemigrations
- py migrate
- py createsuperuser
- Open 3 different terminals pathed to travian_project 12.1. python runsever 12.2. celery -A travian_project.celery worker --pool=solo -l info 12.3. celery -A travian_project.celery beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
Currently you have to go to admin panel and make a village through there and all the functionalities that are included now will work then.
- Creating new buildings(Only superuser/staff)
- Resource building/upgrading(Limited to 4 buildings of each resource).
- Resource generation each second according to your resource buildings and their level.
- Infrastructure building/upgrading(Increased capacity of resource you can have based on building level)
- Baracks/Stable building
- Allow troops building in each building(Atleast 2 kind of troops in each)
- Player list/attacking players(Taking resources away from enemy if succeeded)
Fix Design to be more friendly/prettier Make a village creation screen after registration/ask to make a village if user skips village creation Add more functionalities. Priority:
- Bug fixing/debuging
- Design
- Add time based constructions/troop building
- Add more functionalities