ServerLinksZ is a simple plugin, that allows you to add Links to the "Server Links" page in the pause menu. ServerLinksZ also adds a command for users to quickly look up links like /discord.
- ✅ Custom links
- ✅ Colored link Names
- ✅ HEX Colors
- ✅ Link commands (e.g.
) - ✅ Highly customizable
- ✅ Easy setup
- ✅ Multiple languages
- /sl help - Open the help menu
- /sl add <allowCommand?> - Add a link to the Link page
- /sl remove - Remove the link with this id
- /sl reload - Reload the plugin
- /link - Open a link with this id
- serverlinksz.admin - Allows a user to manage links and do admin tasks (default: op)
Here is an example of the configuration file:
Click me!
# _____ _ _ _ ______
# / ____| | | (_) | | |___ /
# | (___ ___ _ ____ _____ _ __ | | _ _ __ | | _____ / /
# \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__| | | | | '_ \| |/ / __| / /
# ____) | __/ | \ V / __/ | | |____| | | | | <\__ \ / /__
# |_____/ \___|_| \_/ \___|_| |______|_|_| |_|_|\_\___/ /_____|
# === COLOR CODES ===
# This plugin supports old color codes like: &c, &l, &o, etc.
# It also supports MiniMessage, a more advanced way to format messages:
# With MiniMessage, you can add HEX colors, gradients, hover and click events, etc.
# Set the language to any code found in the "lang" folder (don't add the .yml extension)
# You can add your own language files. Use as a template
# | en-US | de-DE |
lang: "en-US"
# Wether to show hints when using commands
hints: true
# Add a /link command to view the links
linkCommand: true
If you need help with the setup of the plugin, you can join my Discord: