Barebones is a starter theme for WordPress running ReactJS. It is designed to get you up to speed in writing JS single page applications and WordPress' REST api. A complete tutorial on how this theme is built can be found here.
By core WordPress functionality I mean the following:
- Single Post
- Post Meta
- Comments
- Comment form
- Archive (with paging)
- Category
- Search results (with paging)
- Search form
This repo contains the "react-src" portion of the theme only. When you clone, you have to take extra steps for it to work. Continue below:
In your WP themes directory, create a directory named "my-theme" - or any name you like. CD into this directory, and do:
git clone react-src
This will create a folder inside your my-theme directory called "react-src" with the necessary files. CD into "react-src" and do:
This will install the necessary modules inside the node_modules directory. When you're ready to edit the theme, run
Now you're ready to edit the files. Note that this uses your WordPress' server vs webpack. All changes will automatically refresh your browser.
This will cause a build to happen. All final build files is located in the "build" directory. A copy of the files is also added to the root - so you can see the changes right away.
For more information, see create-react-wptheme