This is a project for Udacity's Front-End Nanodegree program. The aim of this project was to practice writing apps with React (the project rubric). Udacity provided starter code with a basic React structure. To finish the project:
I moved the information about the current books into a JSON file.
I created components for the various logic parts of the app with the following flow:
BookStore / \ ListBooks SearchBooks \ / Bookshelf | Book
I use the following third-party components:
- react-router - To select which component needs to be shown depending on the URL
- react-select - To create a select element compatible with React
- prop-types - To type check props
- escape-string-regex - To protect the input field of the search from malicious users
BookStore manages the state, passing the data to ListBooks and SearchBooks. It also holds the functions to retrieve and format books.
I save the state to local storage, so that the page looks the same after a refresh.
My Reads allows you to search for books using specific search terms (found in The books are stored in one of three bookshelves:
- Currently Reading
- Want to Read
- Read
The backend is provided by and run by Udacity.
To use this application you need to:
- Download or clone this repository.
- Change directories into the downloaded/cloned code.
- Run the command "npm install".
- Run the command "npm start".