- Remote sensing
- Google Earth Engine
- Machine learning
- Spatial analysis
- Gaussian Processes
- Web mapping
- Data visualization
- Latex & Marckdown
- Other awesome awesomes
GEOS 657 | Microwave Remote Sensing
Prof. Franz Meyer
University of Alaska
ARSET - Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar (NASA)
ARSET - Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Earth Science
A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar
2nd Advanced Course on Radar Polarimetry 2013 Programme
4th Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing Programme
Programming for Remote Sensing and GIS
Prof. Gregory Bruner
Open source tutorials on remote sensing data analysis
Prof. Eric Bullock
QGIS Tutorials and Tips
Ujaval Gandhi
Practical machine learning and image processing
Himanshu Singh
Get started Earth Engine Apps
Google Earth Engine developers
Earth Engine Explorer
Google Earth Outreach
Cloud-based remote sensing with GEE: Fundamentals and Applications
Jeffrey A. Cardille - McGill University-, Nick Clinton - Google-, Morgan A. Crowley - McGill University-, David Saah - University of San Francisco-
Spatial Data Management with Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine End-to-End
Google Earth Engine for Water Resources Management
Ujaval Gandhi
Publishing an Earth Engine App
Global Surface Water Animation
Geographic Data Science with Python
Sergio J. Rey, Dani Arribas-Bel, Levi J. Wolf
Geographic Data Science
Prof. Dani Arribas-Bel
University of Liverpool\
Geographic Data Science for Applied Economists
Prof. Dani Arribas-Bel (University of Liverpool) & Prof. Diego Puga
Intro to GIS and spatial analysis\ Manuel Gimond
Python for Geospatial Analysis
Tomas Beuzen
PySAL http://pysal.org/ https://pysal.org/notebooks/intro.html https://github.com/pysal
GeoDa: an introduction to spatial data analysis
Geographic Information Analysis
Prof Sergio Rey
Arizona State University
Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis
Henrikki Tenkanen, Vuokko Heikinheimo & David Whipp
Spatial data science for sustainable development
Henrikki Tenkanen, Dept. of Built Environment, Aalto University
Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis
Prof. Manuel Gimond
Spatial Data, Analysis, and Regression - A mini course
Prof. Dani Arribas-Bel
University of Liverpool
Spatial Database Management
Prof. Jim Detwiler (The Pennsylvania State University)
Geoprocessing with Jupyter Notebooks
Prof. Sam Franklin
Streamlit for geospatial application
GEARS - Geospatial Ecology and Remote Sensing using GEE
Spatial data science for sustainable development
Henrikki Tenkanen
Dept. of Built Environment
Aalto University.
Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists
Francisco Rowe and Dani Arribas-Bel
University of Liverpool
CASA University College London Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
Prof Jon Reades
Senior Lecturer at King's College London
Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis
Prof Jon Reades
Senior Lecturer at King's College London
Open Source Geoprocessing Tutorial
Prof. Chris Holden
Geographical Information Systems
Introduction to Geospatial Data Analysis with Python
Prof Levi John Wolf - University of Bristol
Sergio Rey - Center for Geospatial Sciences, University of California, Riverside
Dani Arribas-Bel - University of Liverpool
Joris Van den Bossche - Université Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science\
Spatial Data Programming with Python
Michael Dorman
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Python for GIS and Geoscience
Specialist course Doctoral schools of Ghent University
Python Geospatial Development
Dominic Pereira (Python Geospatial Development)
Using Python to Analyze Spatial Data
Juan Méndez
Predictive Soil Mapping with R
Hengl, T., MacMillan, R.A., (2019). Predictive Soil Mapping with R. OpenGeoHub foundation, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 370 pages, www.soilmapper.org, ISBN: 978-0-359-30635-0.
Spatial sampling with R
Dick J. Brus
Spatial sampling and resampling for Machine Learning
Crime mapping in R
Reka Solymosi and Juanjo Medina
Spatial data science con R
Edzer Pebesma, Roger Bivand
Spatial Data Science with R
Robert J. Hijmans and Jane Elith
Spatial Data Science With Applications in R
Edzer Pebesma, Roger Bivand
Using Spatial Data with R\
Claudia A Engel
Modern Data Science with R\
Benjamin S. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan, and Nicholas J. Horton\
An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Statistics: A Course in R
Antonio Paez - School of Earth, Environment and Society - McMaster University
Statistics and Geodata Analysis using R (SOGA-R))
Hartmann, K., Krois, J., Rudolph, A. Department of Earth Sciences, Freie Universitaet Berlin.
Spatial Point Process Models in R
Taylor Brown, Otis Clyne, and Elise Pletcher (NR746)
Spatial autocorrelation
Weylin Gilbert and Cara Piske (NR746)
Mixed effect models
Kevin Shoemaker (NR746)
Advanced Analysis Methods in Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
Carl Edward Rasmussen & Christopher K. I. Williams
Ensemble models from machine learning: an example of wave runup and coastal dune erosion
Tomas Beuzen, Evan B. Goldstein, and Kristen D. Splinter
Web Mapping Notes
Prof. Dani Arribas-Bel
University of Liverpool
Introduction to Web Mapping
Michael Dorman
A Leaflet map with Node.js and MongoDB
John McCrae
Open Web Mapping\
Prof. Jim Detwiler
The Pennsylvania State University
Web Mapping (A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web)
Roth RE, CM Sack, G Baldrica-Franklin, Y Chen, R Donohue, R Tolochko, and N Underwood. 2020.
Version 0.1. University of Wisconsin Cartography Laboratory: Madison, WI. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4009327\
Introduction to web mapping
Michael Droman
Beg-Gurion University of the Negev
Cartografia web
Prof. Juan Carlos Mendez
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Web Mapping
Robert Roth, Carl Sack, Gareth Baldrica-Franklin, Yuying Chen, Rich Donohue, Lily Houtman, Tim Prestby, Robin Tolochko, Nick Underwood
University of Wisconsin Cartography Laboratory
Web Mapping
Prof. Bo Zhao
Oregon State University\
Prof. Mike Foster
Open Web Mapping\
Prof. Panagiotis Giannakis\
PennState, College of Earth and Mineral Science
The GeoStack Project
A Self-Study Beginner Course in Open Source Geospatial Programming for Data Scientists
Working with Spatio-temporal data in Python
Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service
Practical Data Science\
Prof. Pat Virtue
Linear Algebra review\
Prof. J. Zico Kolter
Mathematical Tools for Data Science
Carlos Fernandez-Granda (Center for Data Science)
ML for economics
PhD Econometrics
Data Science with Python
Matteo Courthoud
Deep Learning
Kevin Webster, Pierre Richemond, Kai Arulkumaran
Machine Learning with Python-From Linear Models to Deep Learning
Neural networks and deep learning
Prof. Michael Nielsen
Deep Neural Networks
Prof Neil Lawrence, Dr Ferenc Huszar, Dr Nic Lane
Applied Time Series Analysis
The Pennsylvania State University
Statistical Methods for Machine Learning
Instructor: Larry Wasserman
Interpretable Machine Learning
Christoph Molnar
Practical econometrics and data science
Andrius Buteikis
Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Data Science concepts and practice\
Vijay Kotu & Bala Deshpande
Introduction to machine learning \ Alex Smola $ S.V.N. Vishwanathan
Introduction to Probability for Data Science
Stanley H. Chan
Introduction to Modern Statistics \ Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel & Johanna Hardin
Bruce E. Hansen
Applied predictive modeling
Max Kuhn - Kjell Johson
Machine Learning\
Prof. Sebastian Raschka
University Wisconsin-Madison
Machine Learning Notebooks
Aurélien Geron - book Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research
Prof. Chip Huyen
Tensor TensorFlow
Juan Gabriel Gomila
Mathematics For Machine Learning
Marc Peter Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong
To be published by Cambridge University Press
TensorFlow Tutorials
Prof. Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen
Prof. Sarin CR\
Curso completo de Machine Learning: Data Science en Python
Prof. Juan Gabriel Gomila
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks
Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, California
Tensor TensorFlow
Prof. Laurence Moroney
Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
Prof. Guillermo Monchecchi
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Prof. Andreas Mueller
Python Machine Learning book code repository
Prof. Sebastian Raschka
Data Visualization, A practical introduction
Kieran Healy, Duke University
Spatial Data Visualization and Analytics (Full Course Material)
Fundamentals of Data Visualization
Claus O. Wilke
The D3.js Graph Gallery\ Yan Holtz
Getting Started with LaTeX
By David R. Wilkins, 2nd Edition, Copyright David R. Wilkins 1995
Writing Mathematic Fomulars in Markdown
Archer Reilly