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Applozic Chat & Messaging SDK for your mobile and web apps

Applozic powers real time messaging across any device, any platform & anywhere in the world. Integrate our simple SDK to engage your users with image, file, location sharing and audio/video conversations.

Signup at Applozic to get your application key.



Android chat and messaging library that lets you enable real time chat without developing or maintaining any infrastructure.

Getting Started

####Step 1: Dependency

Add dependency in build.gradle

compile 'com.applozic.communication.uiwidget:mobicomkitui:4.4'    

Add packagingOptions in gradle android target:

android {

           exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES'      
           exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'         
           exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'      
           exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'    
           exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt' 
           exclude 'META-INF/ECLIPSE_.SF'
           exclude 'META-INF/ECLIPSE_.RSA'

####Step 2: Addition of Meta-data, Permissions, Services and Receivers in androidmanifest.xml


Note: Add meta-data within application Tag <application> </application>

<meta-data android:name="com.applozic.application.key"
           android:value="YOUR_APPLOZIC_APPLICATION_KEY" /> <!-- Applozic Application Key -->

<meta-data android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.notification.icon" 
           android:resource="YOUR_LAUNCHER_ICON" />  <!-- Launcher Icon -->

<meta-data android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.notification.smallIcon"
           android:resource="YOUR_LAUNCHER_SMALL_ICON" /> <!-- Launcher white Icon -->
<meta-data android:name="share_text"
           android:value="YOUR INVITE MESSAGE" />  <!-- Invite Message -->
<meta-data android:name="main_folder_name"
           android:value="@string/default_media_location_folder" /> <!-- Attachment Folder Name -->
<meta-data android:name=""
            android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" /> <!-- NOTE : Do NOT change this value -->
<meta-data android:name="" 
           android:value="${applicationId}" />  <!-- NOTE: Do NOT change this, it should remain same i.e '' -->

<meta-data android:name=""
            android:value="YOUR_GEO_API_KEY" />  <!--Replace with your geo api key from google developer console  --> 
<!-- For testing purpose use AIzaSyAYB1vPc4cpn_FJv68eS_ZGe1UasBNwxLI
To disable the location sharing via map add this line ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).disableLocationSharingViaMap(); in onSuccess of Applozic UserLoginTask -->

Note: If you are not using gradle build you need to replace ${applicationId} with your Android app package name

Configure media location folder in your string.xml

<string name="default_media_location_folder"><YOUR_APP_NAME></string> 

App Module(optional):

You can create different app modules within your single application. App modules are just like a sub-applications within your single application key. You will have capability to create and upload multiple apps in play store by creating different app modules. Multiple modules allows the users of one app to communicate to other app.

To Enable App Module

          android:value="MOUDLE_KEY" /> <!-- Example:if you have two apps Buyer and Seller app. In one app you can  Replace MOUDLE_KEY with Buyer and in another app Replace MOUDLE_KEY with Seller -->

Note:By default App Module will be created for single app

Register at Applozic to get the application key.


<uses-permission android:name="<APP_PKG_NAME>.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="<APP_PKG_NAME>.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" />
<permission android:name="<APP_PKG_NAME>.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<permission android:name="<APP_PKG_NAME>.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"  />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />


 <activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity"
           android:launchMode="singleTask" >
      <!-- Parent activity meta-data to support API level 7+ -->
           android:value="<APP_PARENT_ACTIVITY>" />
<activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.people.activity.MobiComKitPeopleActivity"
     <!-- Parent activity meta-data to support API level 7+ -->
          android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEARCH" />
          android:resource="@xml/searchable_contacts" />

<activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.FullScreenImageActivity"
    <!-- Parent activity meta-data to support API level 7+ -->
          android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" />

<activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ContactSelectionActivity"
            android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" />

<activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ChannelCreateActivity"
              android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" />

 <activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ChannelNameActivity"

 <activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ChannelInfoActivity"
           android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" />

           android:value="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.ConversationActivity" />
 <activity android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.conversation.activity.MobicomLocationActivity"


<service android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.conversation.MessageIntentService"
          android:exported="false" />
<service android:name=""/>

<service android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.conversation.ApplozicIntentService"
         android:exported="false" />
<service android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.conversation.ApplozicMqttIntentService"
         android:exported="false" />


Broadcast Registration For PushNotification:

<receiver android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.notification.MTNotificationBroadcastReceiver">
        <action android:name="${applicationId}.send.notification"/>                    

Note: If you are not using gradle build you need to replace ${applicationId} with your Android app package name

<receiver android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.broadcast.TimeChangeBroadcastReceiver">
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIME_SET" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED" />

<receiver android:name="com.applozic.mobicomkit.broadcast.ConnectivityReceiver"
          android:exported="true" android:enabled="true">
                  <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
                  <action android:name="" />

Replace APP_PARENT_ACTIVITY with your app's parent activity.

####Step 3: Register user account


UserLoginTask.TaskListener listener = new UserLoginTask.TaskListener() {                  

public void onSuccess(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Context context)         
   // After successful registration with Applozic server the callback will come here 
    ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).enableRegisteredUsersContactCall();//To enable the applozic Registered Users Contact Note:for disable that you can comment this line of code
    ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).showStartNewButton();//To show contact list.
    ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).showStartNewGroupButton();//To enable group messaging

public void onFailure(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Exception exception)         
    // If any failure in registration the callback  will come here 

User user = new User();          
user.setUserId(userId); //userId it can be any unique user identifier
user.setDisplayName(displayName); //displayName is the name of the user which will be shown in chat messages
user.setEmail(email); //optional   
user.setImageLink("");//optional,pass your image link 
new UserLoginTask(user, listener, this).execute((Void) null);                                   

If it is a new user, new user account will get created else existing user will be logged in to the application.

####Step 4: Updating GCM registration id

Don't have GCM setup?

In case, if you don't have the existing GCM related code, then copy the push notification related files from Applozic sample app to your project 

And add this in your androidmanifest.xml file

<receiver android:name=""
                <action android:name="" />
                <category android:name="<APP_PKG_NAME>" />
<service android:name="<CLASS_PACKAGE>.ApplozicGcmListenerService">
                <action android:name="" />
<service android:name="<CLASS_PACKAGE>.GcmInstanceIDListenerService"
                <action android:name="" />

Setup GCM in UserLoginTask "onSuccess" (refer Step 3).

 GCMRegistrationUtils gcmRegistrationUtils = new GCMRegistrationUtils(activity);          

To Enable Android Push Notification using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) visit the below link

After Registering project at Replace the value of GCM_SENDER_ID in with your own project gcm sender id. SenderId is a unique numerical value created when you configure your API project (given as "Project Number" in the Google Developers Console).

GCM is already enabled in my app

If you already have GCM enabled in your app, then paste PushNotificationTask code at the place where you are getting the GCM registration id in your app.

PushNotificationTask pushNotificationTask = null         
PushNotificationTask.TaskListener listener = new PushNotificationTask.TaskListener()   

public void onSuccess(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse)             
public void onFailure(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Exception exception)      


pushNotificationTask = new PushNotificationTask(pushnotificationId, listener, mActivity);            
pushNotificationTask.execute((Void) null);                          

####Step 5: Handling Push Notification

Add MobiComPushReceiver in your GcmListenerService onMessageReceived method.

if(MobiComPushReceiver.isMobiComPushNotification(data)) {            
        MobiComPushReceiver.processMessageAsync(this, data);               

####Step 6: Start Chat Activity


Intent intent = new Intent(this, ConversationActivity.class);            

For starting individual conversation thread, set "userId" in intent:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, ConversationActivity.class);            
intent.putExtra(ConversationUIService.USER_ID, "");             
intent.putExtra(ConversationUIService.DISPLAY_NAME, "Devashish Mamgain"); //put it for displaying the title.             

On Press back, to return back to the previous screen:

Put "takeOrder" in intent.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, ConversationActivity.class);            
intent.putExtra(ConversationUIService.USER_ID, "");             
intent.putExtra(ConversationUIService.DISPLAY_NAME, "Devashish Mamgain"); //put it for displaying the title.
intent.putExtra("takeOrder", true);

####Step 7: Logout

On user logout, calling the following to logout user from Applozic

 new UserClientService(this).logout();      

Note: If you are running ProGuard, please add following lines:

 #keep json classes                
-keepclassmembernames class * extends com.applozic.mobicommons.json.JsonMarker {
 	!static !transient <fields>;
 -keepclassmembernames class * extends com.applozic.mobicommons.json.JsonParcelableMarker {
 	!static !transient <fields>;
 #GSON Config          
-keepattributes Signature          
-keep class sun.misc.Unsafe { *; }           
-keep class** { *; }            
-keep class org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.logging.JSR47Logger { *; }                                    

Running demo app

Open project in Android Studio to run the sample app in your device. Send messages between multiple devices.

Display name for users

You can either choose to handle display name from your app or have Applozic handle it. From your app's first activity, set the following to disable display name feature:


By default, the display name feature is enabled.

UI Customization

Add UI customization setting inside UserLoginTask "onSuccess" method

Sent Message Chat Bubble Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setSentMessageBackgroundColor(int color); // accepts the

Received Message Chat Bubble Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setReceivedMessageBackgroundColor(int color); // accepts the

Sent Message Chat Bubble Border Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setSentMessageBorderColor(int color); // accepts the

Received Message Chat Bubble Border Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setReceivedMessageBorderColor(int color); // accepts the

Sent Message Text color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setSentMessageTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Received Message Text Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setReceivedMessageTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Sent Contact Message Text color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setSentContactMessageTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Received Contact Message Text Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setReceivedContactMessageTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Edit Text Background Color Or DrawableResource

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setEditTextBackgroundColorOrDrawableResource(int colorOrdrawableName); // accepts the or  R.drawable.drawableName

Sent Message Hyper Link Text Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setSentMessageLinkTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Received Message Hyper Link Text Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setReceivedMessageLinkTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Chat Background Image or Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setChatBackgroundColorOrDrawableResource(int color); // accepts the or  R.drawable.drawableName

Message EditText Text Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setMessageEditTextTextColor(int color); // accepts the

Message EditText Hint Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setMessageEditTextHintColor(int color); // accepts the

Attachment Icons Background Color

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setAttachmentIconsBackgroundColor(int color); // accepts the

Send Button Background Color

 ApplozicSetting.getInstance(context).setSendButtonBackgroundColor(int color); // accepts the

Show/Hide Green Dot for Online


Show/hide 'Start New Conversation' Plus (+) Button


Show/hide 'Start New' FloatingActionButton


For Group Add Member Button Hide


For Group Exit Button Hide


For Group Name Change Button Hide


For Group Memebr Remove Option Hide


To customize the theme, copy paste the following in your theme's res file:

<style name="ApplozicTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">

<!--To change the toolbar color change the colorPrimary  -->
 <item name="colorPrimary">@color/applozic_theme_color_primary</item>
 <!-- To change the status bar  color change the color of  colorPrimaryDark-->
 <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/applozic_theme_color_primary_dark</item>
 <!-- colorAccent is used as the default value for colorControlActivated which is used to tint widgets -->
 <item name="colorAccent">@color/applozic_theme_color_primary</item>
 <item name="windowActionModeOverlay">true</item>

Change the name of the style name="ApplozicTheme" to some new name and in your app androidmanifest.xml file find for ApplozicTheme and replace with your new theme style.

For complete control over UI, you can also download open source chat UI toolkit and change it as per your designs :


Import MobiComKitUI Library into your android project and add the following in the build.gradle file:

compile project(':mobicomkitui')

MobiComKitUI contains the UI related source code, icons, layouts and other resources which you can customize based on your design needs.

For your custom contact list, replace MobiComKitPeopleActivity with your contact list activity.

Sample app with integration is available under app


Refer to the below documentation for a deeper integration if you wish to perform chat operation directly from your app's interface without using the Applozic UI toolkit:

####Account registration


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.account.register.RegisterUserClientService;      


new RegisterUserClientService(activity).createAccount

####Send message


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.conversation.MobiComConversationService;         


 public void sendMessage(Message message)        


new MobiComConversationService(activity).sendMessage(new     
Message("", "hello test"));         

####Message list


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.conversation.MobiComConversationService;

i) Get single latest message from each conversation


 public synchronized List<Message> getLatestMessagesGroupByPeople()        

ii) Get messages of logged in user with another user by passing userId, startTime and endTime. startTime and endTime are considered in time in milliseconds from 1970.


 public List<Message> getMessages(String userId, Long startTime, Long endTime)        

####Custom Message Send an automated custom message to connect 2 users. The message layout will be same for both users so that it doesn't look like a sent message.


Message message = new Message("", "hey! here's a match <3");
new MobiComMessageService(this, MessageIntentService.class).sendCustomMessage(message);

Customize the background color for the custom message: Code

ApplozicSetting.getInstance(this).setColor(ApplozicSetting.CUSTOM_MESSAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color.parseColor("#FFB3E5FC"));


Note:This methods are for creating local conatcts and only stored locally.

Creating Contact list

You can create the contact list in two easy steps by using api. Sample method buildContactData() for adding contacts is present in sample app

####Step 1: Creating contact


    Contact contact = new Contact();            
    (Unique ID to identify contact )                 
    contact.setFullName(<full name of contact>);                 
    contact.setImageURL(<image http URL OR android resource drawable  >);               
    (in case of drawable use R.drawable.<resource_name>)                         

Example :

    Contact contact = new Contact();                 

####Step 2: Save contact

Save the contact using add() method.

    Context context = getApplicationContext();           
    AppContactService appContactService = new AppContactService(context);            

AppContactService.Java at a glance provides methods you need to add, delete and update contacts.

Add single contact

add(Contact contact)

Add multiple contacts

addAll(List<Contact> contactList)

Delete contact

deleteContact(Contact contact)

Delete contact by Id

deleteContactById(String contactId)

Read contact by Id

getContactById(String contactId )

Update contact

updateContact(Contact contact)

Update or Insert contact

upsert(Contact contact)


Enable Group Messaging for a user


Disable Group Messaging for a user


####1) Create Group

Create the Group with Group Name and Group Members.


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.async.ApplozicChannelCreateTask;


 ApplozicChannelCreateTask.ChannelCreateListener channelCreateListener = new ApplozicChannelCreateTask.ChannelCreateListener() {
           public void onSuccess(Channel channel, Context context) {
               Log.i("ApplzoicChannelCreate", "After success full creation of channel");
               Log.i("Channel", "Channel object:" + channel);//channel.getKey() is a channel key or group id

           public void onFailure(Exception e, Context context) {


               String groupName = "Applozic Group"; // Name of group.
               List<String> groupMemberList = new ArrayList<String>(); // List Of unique group member Names.
               groupMemberList.add("member1");   // Put userId of the user
ApplozicChannelCreateTask applozicChannelCreateTask = new ApplozicChannelCreateTask(context, channelCreateListener, groupName, groupMemberList);
applozicChannelCreateTask.execute((Void) null);

####2) Add Member to Group


  import com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.async.ApplozicChannelAddMemberTask;


ApplozicChannelAddMemberTask.ChannelAddMemberListener channelAddMemberListener =  new ApplozicChannelAddMemberTask.ChannelAddMemberListener() {
           public void onSuccess(String response, Context context) {
               //Response will be "success" if user is added successfully
               Log.i("ApplozicChannelMember","Add Response:"+response);


           public void onFailure(String response, Exception e, Context context) {


       ApplozicChannelAddMemberTask applozicChannelAddMemberTask =  new ApplozicChannelAddMemberTask(context,channelKey,userId,channelAddMemberListener);//pass channel key and userId whom u want to add to channel

Parameter Description
channelKey Unique identifier of the group/channel
userId Unique identifier of the user

####3) Remove Member from Group


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.async.ApplozicChannelRemoveMemberTask;


ApplozicChannelRemoveMemberTask.ChannelRemoveMemberListener channelRemoveMemberListener = new ApplozicChannelRemoveMemberTask.ChannelRemoveMemberListener() {
          public void onSuccess(String response, Context context) {
              //Response will be "success" if user is removed successfully
              Log.i("ApplozicChannel","remove member response:"+response);


          public void onFailure(String response, Exception e, Context context) {


      ApplozicChannelRemoveMemberTask applozicChannelRemoveMemberTask =  new ApplozicChannelRemoveMemberTask(context,channelKey,userId,channelRemoveMemberListener);//pass channelKey and userId whom you want to remove from channel
Parameter Description
channelKey Unique identifier of the group/channel
userId Unique identifier of the user

NOTE: Only admin can remove member from the group/channel.

####4) Leave Group


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.async.ApplozicChannelLeaveMember;


ApplozicChannelLeaveMember.ChannelLeaveMemberListener  channelLeaveMemberListener  = new ApplozicChannelLeaveMember.ChannelLeaveMemberListener() {
          public void onSuccess(String response, Context context) {
              //Response will be "success" if user is left successfully
              Log.i("ApplozicChannel","Leave member respone:"+response);

          public void onFailure(String response, Exception e, Context context) {


      ApplozicChannelLeaveMember applozicChannelLeaveMember = new ApplozicChannelLeaveMember(context,channelKey,userId,channelLeaveMemberListener);//pass channelKey and userId
Parameter Description
channelKey Unique identifier of the group/channel
userId Unique identifier of the user

Note: This is only for logged in user who want's to leave from group

####5) Change Group Name


import com.applozic.mobicomkit.uiwidgets.async.ApplozicChannelNameUpdateTask;


  ApplozicChannelNameUpdateTask.ChannelNameUpdateListener channelNameUpdateListener = new ApplozicChannelNameUpdateTask.ChannelNameUpdateListener() {
            public void onSuccess(String response, Context context) {
               //Response will be "success" if Channel/Group name is changed successfully
                Log.i("ApplozicChannel", "Name update:" + response);
            public void onFailure(String response, Exception e, Context context) {


        ApplozicChannelNameUpdateTask channelNameUpdateTask = new ApplozicChannelNameUpdateTask(context, channelKey, channelName, channelNameUpdateListener);//pass context ,channelKey,chnanel new name 
        channelNameUpdateTask.execute((Void) null);

Parameter Description
channelKey Unique identifier of the group/channel
userId Unique identifier of the user


####Open Activity on tap of toolbar in Chat Screen

Add the following in your androidmanifest.xml


           android:value="PUT_ACTIVITY_CLASS_HERE" />

This activity will receive the “userId” of the selected chat in intent.



iOS chat and messaging library that lets you enable real time chat without developing or maintaining any infrastructure.

Getting Started

Create your Application

a ) Sign up with Applozic to get your application key.

b ) Once you signed up create your Application with required details on admin dashboard. Upload your push notification certificate to our portal to enable real time notification.


c) After creating application, you will see your application key listed on admin dashboard. Please use same application key explained in further steps.


Installing the iOS SDK

**ADD APPLOZIC FRAMEWORK ** Get latest applozic framework from here. For release-version of framework please contact us at (

You can also clone or download our iOS open source repository from github for samples or framework code sample project

Add framework to your project:


i ) Paste Applozic framework to root folder of your project. ii ) Go to Build Phase. Expand Embedded frameworks and add applozic framework.

Quickly Launch your chat

You can test your chat quickly by adding below .h and .m file to your project.



Change applicationID in DemoChatManager and you are ready to launch your chat from your controller :)

Launch your chat

//Replace with your applicationId in DemoChatManager.h

#define APPLICATION_ID @"applozic-sample-app" 

//Launch your Chat from your controller.
 DemoChatManager * demoChatManager = [[DemoChatManager alloc]init];
    [demoChatManager launchChat:<yourcontrollerReference> ];

App Module(optional):

You can create different app modules within your single application. App modules are just like a sub-applications within your single application key. You will have capability to create and upload multiple apps in play store by creating different app modules. Multiple modules allows the users of one app to communicate to other app.

Enable App Module

To enable app module you need to send your app Module name while doing user registration. If you are using DemoChatManager, you can easily do it by setting module name in ALDefaultChatViewSettings.

[ALUserDefaultsHandler setAppModuleName:<YOUR_APP_MODULE_NAME >];

Note:By default App Module will be created for single app.

Detail about user creation and registraion:


**Create a user : ** After your app login validation, copy the following code to create applozic user and register your user with applozic server.


let alUser : ALUser =  ALUser();
alUser.applicationId = ALChatManager.applicationId
alUser.userId = userName.text //replace userName.text with user's unique id here
alUser.emailId = emailId.text //optional


 ALUser *user = [[ALUser alloc] init];           
 [user setApplicationId:@"applozic-sample-app"]; // REPLACE SAMPLE ID with your application key                
 [user setUserId:[self.userIdField text]]; //replace [self.userIdField text] with user's unique id here                    
 [user setEmailId:[self.emailField text]]; //optional                       

Register user with Applozic server :

** Objective-C **

  ALRegisterUserClientService *registerUserClientService = [[ALRegisterUserClientService alloc] init];           
  [registerUserClientService initWithCompletion:user withCompletion:^(ALRegistrationResponse *rResponse, 
  NSError *error)       
  if (error)        
     UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Response"                
     message:rResponse.message delegate: nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Ok"          
     otherButtonTitles: nil, nil];            
     [alertView show];             
      return ;                  
   if (rResponse && [rResponse.message containsString: @"REGISTERED"])               
     ALMessageClientService *messageClientService = [[ALMessageClientService alloc] init];             
     [messageClientService addWelcomeMessage];             
     NSLog(@"Registration response from server:%@", rResponse);               


a ) Send device token to applozic server:

In your AppDelegate’s **didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken **method send device registration to applozic server after you get deviceToken from APNS. Sample code is as below:


func application(application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData) {

    let characterSet: NSCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet( charactersInString: "<>" )

    let deviceTokenString: String = ( deviceToken.description as NSString )
    .stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet( characterSet )
    .stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString( " ", withString: "" ) as String

    print( deviceTokenString )

    if (ALUserDefaultsHandler.getApnDeviceToken() != deviceTokenString){

    let alRegisterUserClientService: ALRegisterUserClientService = ALRegisterUserClientService()
    alRegisterUserClientService.updateApnDeviceTokenWithCompletion(deviceTokenString, withCompletion: { (response, error) in
        print (response)

** Objective-C **

 - (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)
    const unsigned *tokenBytes = [deviceToken bytes];            
    NSString *hexToken = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x",                 
    ntohl(tokenBytes[0]), ntohl(tokenBytes[1]), ntohl(tokenBytes[2]),             
    ntohl(tokenBytes[3]), ntohl(tokenBytes[4]), ntohl(tokenBytes[5]),             
    ntohl(tokenBytes[6]), ntohl(tokenBytes[7])];              
    NSString *apnDeviceToken = hexToken;            
    NSLog(@"apnDeviceToken: %@", hexToken);                  
   //TO AVOID Multiple call to server check if previous apns token is same as recent one, 
   if different call app lozic server.           

    if (![[ALUserDefaultsHandler getApnDeviceToken] isEqualToString:apnDeviceToken])              
       ALRegisterUserClientService *registerUserClientService = [[ALRegisterUserClientService alloc] init];          
       [registerUserClientService updateApnDeviceTokenWithCompletion
       :apnDeviceToken withCompletion:^(ALRegistrationResponse
       *rResponse, NSError *error)       
       if (error)         
            return ;           
    NSLog(@"Registration response from server:%@", rResponse);                         

b) Receiving push notification:

Once your app receive notification, pass it to applozic handler for applozic notification processing.


func application(application: UIApplication,  didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject],  fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {

    let alPushNotificationService: ALPushNotificationService = ALPushNotificationService()
    let applozicProcessed = alPushNotificationService.processPushNotification(userInfo, updateUI: application.applicationState == UIApplicationState.Active) as Bool

    //IF not a appplozic notification, process it

    if (applozicProcessed) {

        //Note: notification for app



- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary*)dictionary         
 NSLog(@"Received notification: %@", dictionary);           
 ALPushNotificationService *pushNotificationService = [[ALPushNotificationService alloc] init];        
 BOOL applozicProcessed = [pushNotificationService processPushNotification:dictionary updateUI:
 [[UIApplication sharedApplication]     applicationState] == UIApplicationStateActive];             

  //IF not a appplozic notification, process it            

  if (!applozicProcessed)            
       //Note: notification for app          
  } }                                                           

c) Handling app launch on notification click :


func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    let alApplocalNotificationHnadler : ALAppLocalNotifications =  ALAppLocalNotifications.appLocalNotificationHandler();

    if (launchOptions != nil)
        let dictionary = launchOptions?[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey] as? NSDictionary

        if (dictionary != nil)
            print("launched from push notification")
            let alPushNotificationService: ALPushNotificationService = ALPushNotificationService()

            let appState: NSNumber = NSNumber(int: 0)
            let applozicProcessed = alPushNotificationService.processPushNotification(launchOptions,updateUI:appState)
            if (applozicProcessed) {
                return true;

return true

** Objective-C **

 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions    
  ALAppLocalNotifications *localNotification = [ALAppLocalNotifications appLocalNotificationHandler];
  [localNotification dataConnectionNotificationHandler];
  // Override point for customization after application launch.                              
  NSLog(@"launchOptions: %@", launchOptions);                  
  if (launchOptions != nil)               
  NSDictionary *dictionary = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey];         
  if (dictionary != nil)             
      NSLog(@"Launched from push notification: %@", dictionary);        
      ALPushNotificationService *pushNotificationService = [[ALPushNotificationService alloc] init];            
      BOOL applozicProcessed = [pushNotificationService processPushNotification:dictionary updateUI:NO];               
  if (!applozicProcessed)                 
       //Note: notification for app              
     } } }                                   
      return YES;                 

Launching applozic message screen

Below code will explain how to launch applozic message view. you can put this according to your need (like on click of any button, add any button at the navigation bar or tab ).

** Objective - C **

   UIStoryboard* storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Applozic"              
   bundle:[NSBundle bundleForClass:ALMessagesViewController.class]];              
   UIViewController *theTabBar = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"messageTabBar"];          
   [self presentViewController:theTabBar animated:YES completion:nil];                     

**Launching specific user's conversation: ** To launch conversation for a particular user (most common use case is to launch customer support conversation directly), use below code:

** Objective - C **

UIStoryboard* storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Applozic"                 
bundle:[NSBundle bundleForClass:ALChatViewController.class]];             
ALChatViewController *chatView =(ALChatViewController*) [storyboard 
chatView.contactIds =@"<USER_ID>";//SET specific USER'S ID                  
UINavigationController *conversationViewNavController = 
[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:chatView]; 
[self presentViewController:conversationViewNavController animated:YES completion:nil];                               

Note : make sure you have already registered your login user(User Registration) and completed push notification registration before launching Applozic message screen.


Paste the following code on logout.

** Objective - C **

ALRegisterUserClientService *registerUserClientService = [[ALRegisterUserClientService alloc] init];              
[registerUserClientService logout];                       


Applozic framework provides convenient APIs for building your own contact. Developers can build and store contacts in three different ways.

Build your contact:

** a ) Simple method to create your contact is to create contact. **

** Objective - C **

ALContact *contact1 = [[ALContact alloc] init];              
contact1.userId = @"adarshk"; // unique Id for user               
contact1.fullName = @"Adarsh Kumar"; // Fullname of the contact.               

//Display name for contact. This name would be displayed to the user in chat and contact list.                  
contact1.displayName = @"Adarsh";       = @""; //Email Id for the contact.              
//Contact image url. Contact image would be downloaded automatically from URL.                  
ontact1.contactImageUrl =@"";        
contact1.localImageResourceName = @"adarsh.jpg"; // If this field is mentioned,
Contact image will be taken from local storges.   

**b) Creating contact from dictionary: ** You can directly create contact from dictionary, all you have to do is just pass a dictionary while initialising object.

** Objective -C **

  //Contact ------- Example with dictonary 
  NSMutableDictionary *demodictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; 
  [demodictionary setValue:@"adarshk" forKey:@"userId"]; 
  [demodictionary setValue:@"Adarsh Kumar" forKey:@"fullName"]; 
  [demodictionary setValue:@"Adarsh" forKey:@"displayName"];  
  [demodictionary setValue:@"" forKey:@"email"]; 
  [demodictionary setValue:@"" forKey:@"contactImageUrl"]; 
  [demodictionary setValue:nil forKey:@"localImageResourceName"];              
  ALContact *contact5 = [[ALContact alloc] initWithDict:demodictionary];                   

**b) Building contact from JSON: **

** Objective -C **

//Contact -------- Example with json                   
NSString *jsonString =@"{\"userId\": \"applozic\",\"fullName\": \"Applozic\",
\"contactNumber\": \"9535008745\",\"displayName\":  \"Applozic Support\",
\"contactImageUrl\": \"\",\"email\":       
ALContact *contact4 = [[ALContact alloc] initWithJSONString:jsonString];                        

Add Your Contact:

**Add single contact API **

** Objective - C **

-(BOOL)addContact:(ALContact *)contact;


ALContact *contact  = [[ALContact alloc] init];              
contact.userId      = @"adarshk";      // Unique Id for user               
contact.fullName    = @"Adarsh Kumar"; // Fullname of the contact.  
contact.displayName = @"Adarsh";       // Name on display

ALContactService * alContactService = [[ALContactService alloc] init];                   
[alContactService addContact:contact]; 

Below are additional APIs for contact load, update and delete and requires a ALContact object or array of ALContact objects.

** Objective - C **

#  Fetch/Load contact API
/*  Use "userId" for <key> and contact's user id string as <value> for below API */
  - (ALContact *)loadContactByKey:(NSString *) key value:(NSString*) value
#   Update APIS                 
  -(BOOL)updateContact:(ALContact *)contact                    
  -(BOOL)updateListOfContacts:(NSArray *)contacts
#  Add contact(s) APIs              
  -(BOOL)addListOfContacts:(NSArray *)contacts          
  -(BOOL)addContact:(ALContact *)contact
#    Deleting APIS               
  //For purging single contact 
  -(BOOL)purgeContact:(ALContact *)contact             
  //For purging multiple contacts                
  -(BOOL)purgeListOfContacts:(NSArray *)contacts
  //For purging all contacts at once              

Contextual Conversation

Applozic SDK provide APIs which let you set and customise the chat’s context. Developers can create a ‘Conversation’ and launch a chat with context set.

The picture below shown depicts the context header set below the navigation bar.Suppose a buyer want to have context chat with seller 'Adarsh' on product macbook pro.

picture alt

ALConversationProxy is a class which let you build your conversation context

ALConversationProxy have three type of properties as following:

1.topicId: A unique ID for your Topic/context you want to chat.
2.userId: User ID of person you like to start your chat with.
3.alTopicDetail: Topic title
Topic subtitle
Image link
key1 and value1: For ex. key1 be “Product ID” and value1 be “569-01”
key2 and value2: For ex. key1 be “Price” and value2 be “Rs.1,50,00”

Key1 and Key2 is a placeholder to store with respective value1 and value2 values

** Objective - C **

ALConversationProxy * alConversationProxy = [[ALConversationProxy alloc] init];
alConversationProxy.topicId = @”buyMacPro";
alConversationProxy.userId = @"adarshk"
ALTopicDetail * alTopicDetail	= [[ALTopicDetail alloc] init];
alTopicDetail.title 		 	= @”Mac Book Pro";
alTopicDetail.subtitle 	  	= @"13’ Retina"; = @"";
alTopicDetail.key1      	 	= @"Product ID";
alTopicDetail.value1    		= @"mac-pro-r-13";
alTopicDetail.key2      		= @"Price”;
alTopicDetail.value2    		= @"Rs.1,04,999.0";

NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:alTopicDetail.dictionary  
options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:nil];
NSString *topicDetails = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData    encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
alConversationProxy.topicDetailJson = topicDetails;

** API to create conversation using ALConversationProxy object **

-(void)createConversation:(ALConversationProxy *)alConversationProxy withCompletion:(void(^)(NSError *error,ALConversationProxy * proxy ))completion;

UI Customization

Applozic SDK provides various UI settings to customise chat view eaisly. If you are using DemoChatManager.h explained in the earlier section, you can put all your settings in below method.


If you have your own implementation, you should set UI Customization setting on successfull registration of user.

Below section will explain UI settings provided by Applozic SDK.

Received Message bubble color


[ALApplozicSettings setColorForReceiveMessages: [UIColor colorWithRed:255.0/255 green:255.0/255 blue:255.0/255 alpha:1]];


ALApplozicSettings.setColorForReceiveMessages(UIColor(red: 255/255, green: 255/255, blue: 255/255, alpha:1))

Send Message bubble color


[ALApplozicSettings setColorForSendMessages: [UIColor colorWithRed:66.0/255 green:173.0/255 blue:247.0/255 alpha:1]];


ALApplozicSettings.setColorForSendMessages(UIColor(red: 66.0/255, green: 173.0/255, blue: 247.0/255, alpha:1))

Set Colour for Navigation Bar


[ALApplozicSettings setColorForNavigation: [UIColor colorWithRed:66.0/255 green:173.0/255 blue:247.0/255 alpha:1]];


ALApplozicSettings.setColorForNavigation(UIColor(red: 66.0/255, green: 173.0/255, blue: 247.0/255, alpha:1))

Set Colour for Navigation Bar Item


[ALApplozicSettings setColorForNavigationItem: [UIColor whiteColor]];



Hide/Show profile Image


[ALApplozicSettings setUserProfileHidden: NO];



Hide/Show Tab Bar


[ALUserDefaultsHandler setBottomTabBarHidden: YES];



Hide/Show Logout Button (refresh button in sample app)


[ALUserDefaultsHandler setLogoutButtonHidden: YES];



Hide/Show Refresh Button


[ALApplozicSettings hideRefreshButton: NO];



Set Title For Conversation Screen


[ALApplozicSettings setTitleForConversationScreen: @"Recent Chats"];


ALApplozicSettings.setTitleForConversationScreen("Recent Chats")

Set Font Face


[ALApplozicSettings setFontaFace: @"Helvetica"];



Set Group Option


[ALApplozicSettings setGroupOption: YES];



This method is used when group feature is required . It will disable group functionality when set to NO.

Show/Hide Group Functions

Show/Hide Group Exit Button


[ALApplozicSettings setGroupExitOption:YES];


Show/Hide Group Member-Add Button (Admin only)


[ALApplozicSettings setGroupMemberAddOption:YES];


Show/Hide Group Member-Remove Button (Admin only)


[ALApplozicSettings setGroupMemberRemoveOption:YES];



Channel API

This section explain about convenient SDK APIs related to group.

Class to import : Applozic/ALChannelService.h

1. Add new Channel

You can create a Channel/Group by simply calling createChannel method. The callback argument (channelKey) will be unique ChannelId/GroupId created by applozic server. You need to store this for any further operations( like : add member, remove member, delete group/channel etc) on Channel/Group.

-(void) createChannel:(NSString *) channnelName andMemberList:(NSMutableArray *) memberArray withCompletion:(void(^)(NSNumber *channelKey)) completion


channelName : Name of group

memberArray : Array of contactId/userid of members

2. Add New member to Channel

-(void) addMemberToChannel:(NSString *)userId andChannelKey:(NSNumber *)channelKey 
withComletion:(void(^)(NSError *error,ALAPIResponse *response))completion


userId : contactId/userId

channelkey : channel key/GroupId of your channel where member will be added.

If member added successfully then it will return YES else NO.

NOTE: Only admin can add member to the group/channel. For more detail see check Admin section.

3. Remove Member from Channel

-(void) removeMemberFromChannel:(NSString *)userId andChannelKey:(NSNumber *)channelKey 
withComletion:(void(^)(NSError *error, NSString *response))completion


userId : contactId OR userId

channelkey : channel key of your channel from which member will be removed.

If member removed successfully then it will return YES else NO.

NOTE: Only admin can add member to the group/channel. For more detail see check Admin section.

4. Delete Channel

-(BOOL) deleteChannel:(NSNumber *) channelKey


channelkey : channel key of your channel from which member will be removed.

Return Type : BOOL

If channel deleted successfully then it will return YES else NO.

NOTE: Only admin can add member to the group/channel. For more detail see check Admin section.

5. Leave Channel

-(void) leaveChannel:(NSNumber *)channelKey andUserId:(NSString *)userId 
withCompletion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion


channelkey : channel key of your channel whom you are leaving.

userId: userid of leaving user

If member leaved successfully then it will return YES else NO.

6. Rename Channel

-(BOOL) renameChannel:(NSNumber *) channelKey andNewName:(NSString *) newName


newName : new name of channel you wish to give

channelkey : channel key of your channel whom you are renaming.

Return Type : BOOL

If renamed successfully then it will return YES else NO.

7. Check Admin

This method is to check whether the current user is channel/group admin or not. As group admin have rights to do delete channel, remove channel and add new member to channel. it is suggested to call this method to check admin rights before performing operations.

-(BOOL) checkAdmin:(NSNumber *) channelKey


channelkey : channel key of your channel

Return Type : BOOL

If renamed successfully then it will return YES else NO.



Integrate messaging into your mobile apps and website without developing or maintaining any infrastructure. Sign up at

Getting Started

Applozic messaging jQuery plugin

Javascript chat and messaging plugin that lets you enable real time chat using websockets in your website without developing or maintaining any infrastructure.

Add Applozic messaging plugin into your web application :-

Step 1: Sign up at to get the application key

Step 2: For the standard user interface, add the following Applozic messaging plugin script file before </head> into your web page

<script type="text/javascript">
   (function(d, m){var s, h;       
   s = document.createElement("script");
   s.type = "text/javascript";
   m.init=function(t){m._globals=t;}})(document, window.applozic || {});

Step 3: Copy and paste below script before </body> to initialize plugin

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.applozic.init({appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE', userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', userName: 'PUT_USER_DISPLAYNAME_HERE', desktopNotification: true,  notificationIconLink: "PUT_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK_HERE"});

Above options description :-

 appId: 'YOUR APPLICATION KEY'                         // obtained from Step 1 (required)    
 userId: 'UNIQUE USER ID OF ACTIVE USER'               // loggedIn user Id (required)  
 userName: 'ACTIVE USER DISPLAY NAME'                  // loggedIn user name (optional)  
 imageLink: 'ACTIVE USER IMAGE LINK'                   // loggedIn user image url (optional)          
 desktopNotification: true or false                    // optional
 notificationIconLink : 'YOUR WEB APP LOGO'            // required for desktop notification (optional)                             

Note : desktopNotification support only for chrome browser, notificationIconLink will be display in desktop notification

Step 4: Some additional options which you can configure while plugin initialization in Step 3

 1) onInit : 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'                               // Type - FUNCTION (optional)
  Callback function which gets triggered on plugin initialized. You can write your own logic inside this function to execute on plugin initialization. Example given in Step 5
 2) contactDisplayName: 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'                    // Type - FUNCTION (optional)
  Function should return USER_DISPLAY_NAME by taking USERID as input parameter. Example given in Step 6        
 3) contactDisplayImage: 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'                   //Type - FUNCTION (optional)
  Function should return USER_IMAGE_URL by taking USERID as a input parameter. Example given in Step 7
 4) accessToken: 'PASS_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE'                            //Type - String (optional)    
 Access token is to authenticate user from your end. To enable access token authentication you have to configure authentication url in admin dashboard. 

For more detail about access token, read :

Step 5: Callback function onInit() on plugin initailize :-

Callback function to get notified whether plugin loaded successfully or not

Sample :

 function onInit(response) {
    if (response === "success")
       // write your logic here
    } else {
       // error in loading plugin (you can hide chat button or refresh page) 

Above function name need to configure in 'onInit' option during plugin initialize

Example -

<script type="text/javascript">
 window.applozic.init({appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE', userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', userName: 'PUT_USER_DISPLAYNAME_HERE', desktopNotification: true,  notificationIconLink: "PUT_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK_HERE", onInit : onInit});

Useful for cases where you want to load contacts or fetch unread message count detail.

Sample code for CONTACT_JSON used as a reference in Step 6 and Step 7 :-

var CONTACT_JSON ={"USERID_1": {"displayName": "Devashish",
                      "imageLink": ""},
                    "USERID_2": { "displayName": "Adarsh", "imageLink":    
                    "USERID_3": { "displayName": "Shanki", "imageLink":  

Step 6: Sample code for contactDisplayName() function

You can write javascript function which return USER DISPLAY NAME on basis of userId

Sample :

 function contactDisplayName(USERID)  {                      
   var contact = CONTACT_JSON[USERID];               
        if (typeof contact !== 'undefined')             
             return contact.displayName;                  

Step 7: Sample code for contactDisplayImage() function

You can write javascript function to return USER IMAGE LINK on basis of userId

Sample code -

  function contactDisplayImage(USERID)  {                        
    var contact =  CONTACT_JSON[USERID];                       
    if (typeof contact !== 'undefined')                      
         return contact.imageLink;          

Step 8: Function to LOAD CONTACTS (optional)

If you want to load all contacts directly use below function -

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadContacts', 'PUT_CONTACT_LIST_JSON_HERE');

Sample code for CONTACT_LIST_JSON used as a reference in step 8 :-

          {"contacts": [{"userId": "USER_1", "displayName": "Devashish", 
                          "imageLink": ""}, 
                        {"userId": "USER_2", "displayName": "Adarsh", 
                          "imageLink": ""}, 
                        {"userId": "USER_3", "displayName": "Shanki",
                          "imageLink": ""}

NOTE- Call loadContacts function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 5.

You don't need to use functions explained in Step 6 and Step 7 if loading all contacts dynamically as explaind in Step 8

Step 9: Function to load(open) individual tab conversation dynamically (optional)

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadTab', 'PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE');  // user Id of other person with whom you want to open conversation 

Step 10: Function to load(open) Group tab conversation by group Id (optional)

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadGroupTab', 'PUT_GROUPID_HERE'); // unique group Id (required)

Step 11: Anchor tag or button to load(open) individual tab conversation directly (optional)

You can add the following html into your code to directly open a conversation with any user -

<a href="#" class="applozic-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_OTHER_USER_DISPLAY_NAME_HERE">CHAT BUTTON</a>

Note - Data attribute mck-name is optional in above tag

Step 12: Function to Send Message (optional)


var messageJson = 
          {"to":'USER_ID',                                 // required
           "message" : 'TEXT_MESSAGE'                      // required
$applozic.fn.applozic('sendMessage', messageJson);

NOTE- Call sendMessage function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 5.

Step 13: Function to Send Message visible only to Receiver (optional)


var messageJson = 
          {"to":'USER_ID',                                     // required
           "type" : 12,                                        // required
           "message" : 'TEXT_MESSAGE'                          // required
$applozic.fn.applozic('sendMessage', messageJson);

Useful for cases where you want to send the visitor's info in background to the other party.

NOTE- Call sendMessage function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 5.

Step 14: To add auto suggest users list in search field use below html element id (optional)

You can bind auto suggest plugin on input search field of id given below -


Step 15: To show online/offline status (optional)

You can add the following attributes to your html element for real time online/offline status update -

Class Attributes - mck-user-ol-status and n-vis

Data Attribute - mck-id

Example -

<div class="mck-user-ol-status n-vis" data-mck-id='PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE'></div>

Step 16: Topic or product based conversation (BUYER/SELLER CHAT) (optional)

These are attributes requires on chat button or anchor tag -

Class Attribute - applozic-wt-launcher

Data Attriutes - mck-id ,mck-name and mck-topicid

Example :-

<a href="#" class="applozic-wt-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_DISPLAYNAME_HERE" data-mck-topicid="PUT_TOPICID_HERE">CHAT ON TOPIC</a>       

Define callback function in your code to return topic(product) details on basis of topicId (detail should be in same JSON format as given below) :-

function getTopicDetail(topicId) 
      return TOPIC_DETAIL;  // object sample define below

Json format of TOPIC_DETAIL :-

 var TOPIC_DETAIL= {'title': 'topic-title',      // Product title
                     'subtitle': 'sub-title',     // Product subTitle or Product Id
                     'link' :'image-link',        // Product image link
                     'key1':'key1' ,              // Small text anything like Qty (Optional)
                     'value1':'value1',           // Value of key1 ex-10 (number of quantity) Optional
                     'key2': 'key2',              // Small text anything like MRP (product price) (Optional)
                     'value2':'value2'            // Value of key2 ex-$100  (Optional)

NOTE - Topic details will be displayed on conversation tab.

Additional options to configure in plugin initialize code in step 3 :-

  getTopicDetail : 'PUT_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'    // Type - FUNCTION
  topicBox :  true or false                                     //  Set true if want to display topic details in conversation box

Sample code :-

<script type="text/javascript">window.applozic.init({userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY', getTopicDetail: getTopicDetail, topicBox : true});

If want to send message about topic details directly on chat button click, then use class attribute applozic-tm-launcher in chat button instead of applozic-wt-launcher

Sample code :-

<a href="#" class="applozic-tm-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_DISPLAY_NAME_HERE" data-mck-topicid="PUT_TOPICID_HERE">Chat on topic</a>

Step 17: Function to get USER DETAIL (optional)

Call below given function to get user details like totalUnreadCount, lastSeenAt time etc -

  $applozic.fn.applozic('getUserDetail', {callback: getUserDetail});

Callback function to receive response (used as a reference in above function) :-

function getUserDetail(response) {
   if(response.status === 'success') {
      // write your logic

Response Sample :-

response = {'status' : 'success' ,                     // or error
            'data':  {'totalUnreadCount': 15           // total unread count for user          
                     'users':                          // Array of other users detail

Step 18: Function to get Group List (optional)

Call below given function to get group list :-

   $applozic.fn.applozic('getGroupList', {callback: getGroupList});

Callback function to receive response (used as a reference in above function) :-

function getGroupList(response) {
   if(response.status === 'success') {
      // write your logic

Response sample :-

response = {'status' : 'success' ,                    // or error
["USER_ID1", "USER_ID2", "USER_ID3"],"unreadCount":3, type:'GROUP_TYPE'}, 
["USER_ID1", "USER_ID2", "USER_ID3"],"unreadCount":7, type:'GROUP_TYPE'}]                  

Step 19: Function to load Broadcast Channel Tab (optional)


$applozic.fn.applozic('loadBroadcastTab', {groupName: 'NAME_OF_BROADCAST_GROUP', users: [{userId:'USERID_1', displayName:'Devashish Mamgain'},{userId: 'USERID_2' , displayName : 'Adarsh Kumar'},{userId:'USERID_3', displayName : 'Pravin Singh'}]});    // userId (required), displayName (optional)

NOTE- Call loadBroadcastTab function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 5. Max number of users limit in broadcast channel is 100.


Applozic messaging jQuery plugin

Integrate messaging plugin into your web application.

A light weight jQuery plugin for integrating chat and messaging into your web page to directly send and receive messages to other users via Applozic messaging platform and also to see your latest conversations.

Step 1: Sign up at to get the application key

Step 2: For UI customization, checkout Open message.html file as a reference and add all scripts and html in your web page in same order as given in message.html

Step 3: Initialize plugin

Initialize plugin using script (Initialize once page load completely, preferable in document.ready function)

  $applozic.fn.applozic({appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE', userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', userName: 'PUT_USER_DISPLAYNAME_HERE',  desktopNotification: true,  notificationIconLink: "PUT_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK_HERE"}); 

Step 4: Configure value in above script

description -

appId: 'YOUR APPLICATION KEY'                         // obtained from Step 1 (required)    
userId: 'UNIQUE USER ID OF ACTIVE USER'               // loggedIn user Id (required)   
userName: 'ACTIVE USER DISPLAY NAME'                  // loggedIn user name (optional)   
imageLink: 'ACTIVE USER IMAGE LINK'                   // loggedIn user image url (optional)   
desktopNotification: true or false                    // optional
notificationIconLink : 'YOUR WEB APP LOGO'            // required for desktop notifications (optional)                                   

Note : desktopNotification support only for chrome browser, notificationIconLink will be display in desktop notification

Step 5: Some additional options which you can configure while plugin initialization in Step 3

 1) onInit : 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'                               // Type - FUNCTION (optional)
  Callback function which execute after plugin initialized. You can write your own logic inside this function to execute on plugin initialization. Example given in Step 6
 2) contactDisplayName: 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'                    // Type - FUNCTION (optional)
  Function should return USER_DISPLAY_NAME by taking USERID as input parameter. Example given in Step 7        
 3) contactDisplayImage: 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'                   //Type - FUNCTION (optional)
  Function should return USER_IMAGE_URL by taking USERID as a input parameter. Example given in Step 8
 4) accessToken: 'PASS_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE'                            //Type - String (optional)    
 Access token is to authenticate user from your end. To enable access token authentication you have to configure authentication url in admin dashboard. 

For more detail about access token, read :

Note : Examples of callback functions and json format is given in below in step 7,8 and also given in message.html

Step 6: Callback function onInit() triggered on plugin initailize :-

Callback function to get notified whether plugin loaded successfully or not

Sample :

 function onInit(response) {
    if (response === "success")
       // write your logic here
    } else {
       // error in loading plugin (you can hide chat button or refresh page.) 

Above function name need to configure in 'onInit' option during plugin initialize

Example -

<script type="text/javascript">
 window.applozic.init({appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE', userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', userName: 'PUT_USER_DISPLAYNAME_HERE', desktopNotification: true,  notificationIconLink: "PUT_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK_HERE", onInit : onInit});

Useful for cases where you want to load contacts or fetch unread message count detail.

Sample code for CONTACT_JSON used as a reference in Step 7 and Step 8 :-

var CONTACT_JSON ={"USER_1": {"displayName": "Devashish",
                      "imageLink": ""},
                    "USERID_2": { "displayName": "Adarsh", "imageLink":    
                    "USERID_3": { "displayName": "Shanki", "imageLink":  

Step 7: Sample code for contactDisplayName() function

You can write javascript function which return USER DISPLAY NAME on basis of userId

Sample :-

 function contactDisplayName(USERID)  {                      
   var contact = CONTACT_JSON[USERID];               
   if (typeof contact !== 'undefined')            
         return contact.displayName;                  

Step 8: Sample code for contactDisplayImage() function

You can write javascript function to return USER IMAGE LINK on basis of userId

Sample code :-

  function contactDisplayImage(USERID)  {                        
    var contact =  CONTACT_JSON[USERID];                       
    if (typeof contact !== 'undefined')                      
        return contact.imageLink;          

Step 9: Function to LOAD CONTACTS (optional)

If you want to load all contacts directly use below function :-

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadContacts', 'PUT_CONTACT_LIST_JSON_HERE');

Sample code for CONTACT_LIST_JSON used as a reference in above script :-

          {"contacts": [{"userId": "USER_1", "displayName": "Devashish", 
                          "imageLink": ""}, 
                        {"userId": "USER_2", "displayName": "Adarsh", 
                          "imageLink": ""}, 
                        {"userId": "USER_3", "displayName": "Shanki",
                          "imageLink": ""}

NOTE- Call loadContacts function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 6.

You don't need to use functions explained in step 7 and step 8 if loading all contacts dynamically as explaind in step 9

Step 10 : To customize layout of plugin

You can modify mck-sidebox-1.0.css class located at - 

Step 11: To add auto suggest users list in search field (optional)

You can bind auto suggest plugin on input search field with id given below -


Step 12: Function to load(open) individual tab conversation dynamically (optional)

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadTab', 'PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE');  // user Id of other person with whom you want to open conversation 

Step 13: Function to load(open) Group tab conversation by group Id (optional)

 $applozic.fn.applozic('loadGroupTab', 'PUT_GROUPID_HERE'); // unique group Id (required)

Step 14: Function to Send Message (optional)

If you want to send text message directly use below function -

 $applozic.fn.applozic('sendMessage', 'PUT_MESSAGE_JSON_HERE');

Sample code for MESSAGE_JSON used as a reference in step 13 :-

          "message" : 'TEXT_MESSAGE'

NOTE- Call sendMessage function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 6.

Step 15: Function to Send Message visible only to Receiver (optional)


var messageJson = 
          {"to":'USER_ID',                                     // required
           "type" : 12,                                        // required
           "message" : 'TEXT_MESSAGE'                          // required
$applozic.fn.applozic('sendMessage', messageJson);

Useful for cases where you want to send the visitor's info in background to the other party.

NOTE- Call sendMessage function only after plugin initailization. For reference use init() function explained in Step 6.

Step 16: Anchor tag or button to load(open) individual tab conversation directly (optional)

You can add the following html into your code to directly open a conversation with any user -

<a href="#" class="applozic-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_OTHER_USER_DISPLAY_NAME_HERE">CHAT BUTTON</a>

Note - Data attribute mck-name is optional in above tag.

Step 17: To show online/offline status (optional)

You can add the following attributes to your html element for real time online/offline status update -

Class Attributes - mck-user-ol-status and n-vis

Data Attribute - mck-id

Example :-

<div class="mck-user-ol-status n-vis" data-mck-id='PUT_OTHER_USERID_HERE'></div>

Step 18: Topic or product based conversation (BUYER/SELLER CHAT) (optional)

These are attributes requires on chat button or anchor tag -

Class Attribute - applozic-wt-launcher

Data Attriutes - mck-id, mck-name and mck-topicid

Example :-

<a href="#" class="applozic-wt-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_DISPLAY_NAME_HERE" data-mck-topicid="PUT_TOPICID_HERE">CHAT ON TOPIC</a>       

Define callback function in your code to return topic(product) details on basis of topicId (detail should be in same JSON format as given below) :-

function getTopicDetail(topicId) 
     return TOPIC_DETAIL;  // object sample define below

JSON format of TOPIC_DETAIL :-

 var TOPIC_DETAIL={'title': 'topic-title',        // Product title
                     'subtitle': 'sub-title',     // Product subTitle or Product Id
                     'link' :'image-link',        // Product image link
                     'key1':'key1' ,              // Small text anything like Qty (Optional)
                     'value1':'value1',           // Value of key1 ex-10 (number of quantity) Optional
                     'key2': 'key2',              // Small text anything like MRP (product price) (Optional)
                     'value2':'value2'            // Value of key2 ex-$100  (Optional)

NOTE :- These detail will be displayed on conversation tab.

Additional options to configure in plugin initialize code in step 3 :-

  getTopicDetail : 'PUT_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'    // Type - FUNCTION
  topicBox :  true or false                        // Set true if want to display topic details in conversation box

Sample code to configure above options :-

<script type="text/javascript">window.applozic.init({userId: 'PUT_USERID_HERE', appId: 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY', getTopicDetail: getTopicDetail, topicBox : true});

If you want to send message about topic details directly on chat button click, then use class attribute applozic-tm-launcher in chat button instead of applozic-wt-launcher

Sample code :-

<a href="#" class="applozic-tm-launcher" data-mck-id="PUT_USERID_HERE" data-mck-name="PUT_DISPLAY_NAME_HERE" data-mck-topicid="PUT_TOPICID_HERE">Chat on topic</a>

Step 19: Function to get USER DETAIL (optional)

Call below given function to get user details like Total unread count, last seen at etc :-

function getUserDetail(response) {
   if(response.status === 'success') {
      // write your logic
 $applozic.fn.applozic('getUserDetail', {callback: getUserDetail});

Response sample :-

response = {'status' : 'success' ,                    // or error
            'data':{'totalUnreadCount' : 15           // total unread count for user          
                     users':                          // Array of other users detail
                       [{"userId":"USERID_1","connected":false,"lastSeenAtTime":1453462368000,"createdAtTime":1452150981000,"unreadCoun t":3}, 

Step 20: Function to get Group List (optional)

Call below given function to get group list :-

function getGroupList(response) {
   if(response.status === 'success') {
      // write your logic
  $applozic.fn.applozic('getGroupList', {callback: getGroupList});

Response sample :-

response = {'status' : 'success' ,                    // or error
["USER_ID1", "USER_ID2", "USER_ID3"],"unreadCount":3, type:'GROUP_TYPE'}, 
["USER_ID1", "USER_ID2", "USER_ID3"],"unreadCount":7, type:'GROUP_TYPE'}]                  

Lightweight - Plugin

Applozic light weight messaging jQuery plugin.

Integrate messaging plugin into your web application.

Add Applozic messaging plugin into your web application for real time messaging communication via Applozic functions.

Step 1: Sign up at to get the application key

Step 2: For the standard user interface, add the following Applozic messaging plugin script file before </head> into your web page

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>        

Step 3: Initialize Plugin

Create APPLOZIC instance by configuring your options

 var applozic = new APPLOZIC({'baseUrl': "",
                              'userId': 'PUT_USERID_HERE',                   // LoggedIn userId
                              'appId': 'PUT_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE',           // obtained from Step 1 (required)
                              'onInit': 'PASS_YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME_HERE'       // Type - FUNCTION (optional)

Note :- Initialize plugin on page load probably inside $(document).ready(). function before </body>

onInit callback function execute after plugin initialized. You can write your own logic inside this function. Example given below

Sample code for onInit() function :-

Sample code -

  function onInit(response) {
    if (response === "success")
         // write your logic here

On success response of above onInit callback function you can send and receive messages by calling Applozic functions directly as explained in Step 5 and Step 6

Step 4: Subscribe to Applozic events and implement your own logic

Following are the events with example: = {onConnect: function () {
                        console.log('connected successfully');
                  }, onConnectFailed: function () {
                       console.log('connection failed');
                  }, onMessageDelivered: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageDelivered: ' + obj);
                  }, onMessageRead: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageRead: '  + obj);
                  }, onMessageReceived: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageReceived: ' + obj);
                  }, onMessageSentUpdate: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onMessageSentUpdate: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserConnect: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onUserConnect: ' + obj);
                  }, onUserDisconnect: function (obj) {
                       console.log('onUserDisconnect: ' + obj);

Events description:

  1. ** onConnect** : triggered when user subscribed successfully.

  2. onConnectFailed : triggered when user failed to subscribe.

  3. onMessageDelivered : triggered when message is delivered. Response contains message key. Response object- {'messageKey': 'delivered-message-key'}.

  4. onMessageRead : triggered when delivered message is read on other end. Response contains message key. Response object - {'messageKey': 'delivered-message-key'}.

  5. onMessageReceived : triggered when new message received. Response contains message Response object - {'message': message} // Message json format given in Step 6.

  6. onMessageSentUpdate : triggered when message sent successfully to server. Response contains messageKey. Response object- {'messageKey': 'sent-message-key'}.

  7. **onUserConnect **: triggered when some other user comes online. Response contains user Id. Response object - {'userId': 'connected-user-Id'}

  8. onUserDisconnect : triggered when some other user goes offline. Response contains user Id. Response object - {'userId': 'disconnected-user-id', 'lastSeenAtTime' : 'time in millsec'}

Step 5 : Send Message function

applozic.sendMessage(message, {'callback': sendMessageCallbackFunction});

message json include :-

message = {'to': 'PUT_USERID_HERE',                          // receiver user id
           'message': 'PUT_MESSAGE_TEXT_HERE'                //  message text

sendMessageCallback() response :-

response = {'status' : 'success',                                     // or 'error'
            'message' : {'key': 'MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER',
                         'from': "SENDER_USERID",   
                         'to': 'RECEIVER_USERID',
                         'message': "MESSAGE_TEXT",
                         'type': 'outbox',
                         'timeStamp': 'MESSAGE_CREATED_TIMESTAMP'    // in milliseconds
                         'status': "MESSAGE__CURRENT_STATUS"        // (sent, delivered or read)

Step 6: Get Message List function

applozic.messageList(params, {'callback': messageListCallbackFunction});

params include :-

params = { 'id': 'PUT_USERID_HERE'};               // other userid with whom conversations fetch

messageListCallbackFunction response :-

response = {'status' : 'success',                     // or error
            'messages' :[]                           // Array of messages  (message format given below)     

message json format :-

message = {key: "MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER",
           from: "SENDER_USERID",         
           to: 'RECEIVER_USERID',
           message: "MESSAGE_TEXT",
           type: 'inbox or outbox',
           status: "MESSAGE__CURRENT_STATUS",        // For outbox message  (sent, delivered or read)
                                                    // For inbox messsage (read, unread)
           timeStamp: 'MESSAGE_CREATED_TIMESTAMP'          

Source: For more details, visit:


Applozic Chat & Messaging SDK for mobile and web apps






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