This repository contains a script to handle the auto creation of a Docker Asset Image for a given Sitecore module
Clone the repo to your working machine
Add the Sitecore module package to Package folder under root
Then invoke the script as shown in example below to convert it into scwdp (used for Azure PaaS) as well as extract the scwdp into a Module folder used for generating the docker image
.\Create-SitecoreModule-DockerAssetImage.ps1 -ModulePackageName "" -Tag "sitecorepowershell/sitecore-powershell-extensions:6.3-1809" -GenerateCdContentDirectory
Or use the shorthand aliases:
.\Create-SitecoreModule-DockerAssetImage.ps1 -M "" -T "sitecorepowershell/sitecore-powershell-extensions:6.3-1809" -G
The folder name is generated based on the ModulePackageName provided while invoking the script and appends the current datetime stamp in
format -
Run the docker file under Module folder to generate the image. The script only extracts it for CM role. For other roles, you have to manually create role specific docker files
Once the image is generated, push it to your container registry to share it with other devs in your team or devops for AKS deployment
- Robbert Hock - Twitter: @kayeeNL, GitHub:
- Anton Tishchenko - Twitter: @ativn, GitHub:
- Christopher Huemmer - Twitter: @chrishmmr, GitHub:
- Venkata Phani Abburi - Twitter: @phani_abburi, GitHub:
- Kamruz Jaman - Twitter: @jammykam, GitHub:
- Steve McGill - Twitter: @steviemcgill, GitHub: