Duration: Weekend Project
This movie list/movie holder is a fullstack full CRUD app. Users can see the title and the poster of their movies on the home page. Clicking on the movie poster will bring them to a details page for that movie. Users can also add more movies to their database using the added form.
Users can see all the movies in their database in a list.
Clicking on a poster will bring them to the details page.
Users can add a movie by filling in the title, url of the poster, description, and picking a category.
While filling in the add a movie forms users can see a preview of their movie and its details.
- Node.js
- axios
- React
- Redux
- Postgresql
- MaterialUI
- Sweetalert
- Fork and clone.
- Type
npm init --yes
into the in-app terminal. - Once thats done type
npm install
in the IDE terminal. - You'll have to set up the database in postgresql. Make sure you name it 'saga_movies_weekend'.
- Then set up the table by taking the commands in the database.sql file in the IDE and running them in postgresql.
- Start your server by typing
npm run server
in the IDE terminal. - Start your client by typing
npm run client
in the IDE terminal. - Everything is good to go now! Don't forget to shut down your server when you're done!
- Click on a movie or add a new movie.
- Clicking on a movie will bring you to the details page of that movie.
- The details page of the movie displays the title, the genres associated with it, the poster, and the description. At the end of the page there is a button to bring you back to the main list.
- Clicking the add movie link at the top of the page will bring you to the add movie component.
- Here you can add new movies to the database.
- Type in all the relevant details for your movie, choose a poster url and a category from the drop down.
- Before you hit submit, scrolling down will bring to you to preview of your movie.
- Once you're happy with your new movie, you can hit submit. Or you can hit cancel to bring you back to the main list of movies.
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Sweetalert
- MaterialUI
Thanks to Prime Digital Academy who equipped and helped me to make this application a reality. Special thanks to my instructor Matthew Black!
If you have suggestions or issues, please email me at kayla.mir32@gmail.com.