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Movies Website

This is a movies website built using ReactJS that fetches movie information from an API and displays a list of trending movies. The app stores the count of the trending movies and displays the most popular ones. The website is hosted on Netlify for easy deployment and sharing.


  • Fetch movie data from an external API.
  • Display trending movies based on popularity.
  • Store and manage movie count for trending movies using Appwrite.
  • Hosted on Netlify for seamless access.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: ReactJS (Vite), tailwind CSS
  • State Management: React State (useState, useEffect)
  • Database: Appwrite
  • API: The Movie Database (TMDb) API (or any other movie API of your choice)
  • Hosting: Netlify

Getting Started

To get the project up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:

1.Clone the Repository: First, clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies using npm or yarn:

cd movies-website

npm install

3. Set Up Appwrite Database: Install and set up Appwrite by following the instructions in the Appwrite documentation. After setting up the database, make sure you configure the necessary collections and permissions.

Create a Movies collection with the required attributes (e.g., title, release date, poster, and count).

Obtain the Appwrite Project ID and API endpoint.

Configure Appwrite in the Project:

Add the Appwrite API endpoint and Project ID to the .env file:



4. Run the App Locally:

Once dependencies are installed and the API key is set up, start the app using the following command:

npm start (or) npm run dev

This will start the React development server and open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

App Structure:

/src: Contains all the source files for the app.

/components: Contains various components such as:

MovieCard: Displays individual movie details like title, poster, and release date.

Spinner: Shows a loading spinner while data is being fetched.

Search: Handles the search functionality for searching movies.

/App.js: Main app file where multiple components are integrated.

/index.js: Entry point to the application.


MovieCard: Displays individual movie details such as title, poster, and release date.

Spinner: A loading spinner displayed when fetching movie data from the API.

Search: A search bar to allow users to search for movies.

App: Main component that integrates all the features of the app and renders other components.

Hosting on Netlify: To host the app on Netlify, follow these steps:

Push the code to a Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.).

Go to Netlify.

Click on New site from Git.

Select the repository and configure the build settings:

Build Command: npm run build

Publish Directory: build

Deploy your site.

Once deployed, the website will be live on Netlify, and will get a public URL to share!



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