Releases: Kelly-ST-HRI/hicup-plus
HiCUP-Plus v1.0.2
HiCUP+ v1.0.2 is a mnior update incorporating the changes described below:
updated checks in the HiCUP modules to check for SSH connections
updated Dragen call to run via SSH if hostname does not include "dragen"
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
HiCUP-Plus v1.0.1
HiCUP+ v1.0.1 is a mnior update incorporating the changes described below:
implements built-in timing reported to stdout
bug fixes to post-processing in pairing step of hicup_mapper:
ensures that reads are not sorted in intermeidiate SAM files
and that reads are correctly paired in order. Index numbers
are used for Bowtie, Bowtie2, and HiSAT2 in stream inputs.
Matching strings in Dragen output is implemented without
assuming FASTQ header format.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
HiCUP-Plus v1.0.0
HiCUP+ v1.0.0 is a major update incorporating the changes described below:
refactors error handling and warnings without changes to results from
Bowtie or Bowtie2 aligners -
initialises reverse read for pairing and migrates filtering to use
matches in header strings rather than index numbers -
adds calls to the HiSAT2 aligner (Kim et al., 2019) using stream
inputs and parameters equivalent to the Bowtie2 parameters -
adds a call to the proprietary Dragen (Illumina Inc., 2021) aligner
via a system call with the error handling and log outputs adjusted
for compatibility -
updates to pairing and reporting scripts for compatibility with
the Dragen aligner run only if this aligner is chosen -
updates the documentation to describe configuration of changing
aligners to HiSAT2 or Dragen -
updates R graphical devices to PDF (removing need for Cairo graphics in SVG format)
updates Maintainer of this fork to S. Thomas Kelly (Bioinformatics Team,
H.U. Group Research Institute G.K., Tokyo, Japan; SRL Inc., Tokyo, Japan)
This release is a fork of the original HiCUP pipline. See the release notes
for previous versions below and the GitHub repository for more details:
This fork has been renamed to HiCUP-Plus (HiCUP+) to avoid it being
mistaken to the original implementation.
Full details of changes can be viewed on GitHub
Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v1.0.0