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Releases: Keplerjs/Kepler

v1.7.0 - Public Contents

12 Jan 00:21
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  • show contents for not logged users can be enabled by settings.route.publicRoutes
  • core new module K.queries, to prefilter every queries before show result by settings.json
  • core move K.settings.queries in K.settings.public.queries
  • core Plugin templates placeholder show support function value
  • core Place schema is a valid geojson format
  • core node config directory to moved configurations
  • core renamed K.settings.public.router.enterRoute in .loginRoute
  • core rename root route in K.settings.public.router.mainRoute
  • core add new sets K.settings.public.router.mainRoute that replace 'root' route
  • core new file /config/settings.js to configure modules from settings.json
  • core new method K.Map.cleanItems()
  • core new
  • core new method K.Util.sets()
  • core query K.findPlacesByBBox() support additional query parameter
  • core new K.Map.query() introduce query param to filter map markers(client)
  • core K.Map.showLoc() support zoom level
  • core K.Map.setOpts() change state
  • core param label in K.Map.addGeojson() show control swich
  • core-ui helper routeIs support array
  • core-ui simplify helper settings now is also object
  • core-ui fix panel close href
  • core-ui new placehoder panelPlaces/panelUsers and split templates
  • core-ui new control K.Map.controls.switch to show Map queries and other options
  • core-ui new options to filter map contents
  • core-ui new default template footer_ui_lang select lang from not logged users
  • lib add meteor reactive-dict
  • plugin osm updatePlaceByOsmId
  • plugin osm new helper osmEditUrlById
  • plugin edit edit loc by coordinates
  • plugin edit fullscreen for edit map
  • plugin edit highlight marker place on editing
  • plugin edit new addbutton control
  • plugin edit new template panelPlaceEdit_edit_creation
  • plugin categories new template panelPlaceEdit_cats_all
  • plugin categories new admin method updateCatsCountsByType
  • plugin admin use new settings by function
  • plugin admin editing of raw data place
  • plugin theme fix css marker-place icons
  • plugin stats findStatsPlacesByField support array values
  • plugin pois support settings.public.pois.typesByTags disabled
  • plugin tracks support settings.public.tracks.typesByTags disabled
  • plugin tracks fix osm query
  • plugin tracks new route to open single track by id
  • plugin admin new panel admin methods
  • plugin import new placeholder panelImport
  • plugin new method osm findOsmByQuery

v1.6.8 - fixes geometry import and osm plugins

01 Jul 20:02
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  • core K.Place.showLoc() and K.Place.showGeometry() support callaback
  • plugin osm K.Osm.findByLoc() support node and way
  • plugin import reduce MultiGeometry to single one using new method K.Util.sanitize.importGeometry()

v1.6.7 - Full Geojson Geometry Support

23 Jun 21:56
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  • core new settings autocheckin inside place geometry
  • core new method K.Place.showGeometry()
  • core search place name in Fulltext
  • core rename methods K.Util.geo.bboxContains(), bboxReverse(), bboxPlain(), bboxRound()
  • core rename methods K.Util.geo.locBuffer(), locTransform(), locRound()
  • core simplify method K.Util.geo.bboxContains()
  • core new method L.Util.geo.centroid() support Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
  • core new method L.Util.geo.pointInLinestring()
  • core K.Util.geo.point() accept [lat,lon]
  • core edit outputof K.Util.timeName()
  • core fix K.Util.sanitize.fileName()
  • core fix K.Util.sanitize.fileExt()
  • core lower param
  • core index 2dsphere geometry field
  • core new method K.Util.valid.point()
  • core fix place click location in places news panel
  • plugin theme new icon-gps
  • plugin admin fix show geometry in minimap
  • plugin geoinfo autoupdate geoinfo field when loc is changed
  • plugin upload rename param 'callback' in 'onUploaded' in template inputFile_upload
  • plugin upload new param 'params' in template inputFile_upload
  • plugin upload new method K.Upload.loadFile()
  • plugin import preview of geojson data on map before upload
  • plugin import K.Import.geojsonToPlace()
  • plugin import new params importname by form
  • plugin import new global method K.Util.sanitize.importName
  • plugin import K.settings.public.import.limit
  • plugin import fix panel data
  • plugin import support geojson LineString centroid
  • plugin edit split template panelPlaceEdit in panelPlaceEdit_edit_map
  • plugin edit new method K.Place.setGeometry()
  • plugin edit panel edit location and place geometry by Leaflet Draw
  • plugin edit restyle panelEdit
  • plugin edit new templates panelPlaceEdit_edit_del, panelPlaceEdit_edit_info
  • plugin categories new template panelPlaceEdit_cats_latest
  • plugin categories fix remove cat button
  • plugin categories all categories panel for non admin users
  • plugin osm import geometry from openstreetmap


25 May 14:06
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  • core support Instagram OAuth signup
  • core-ui fix fullscreen to add in home
  • core create if not exists geometry field on loc update
  • core fix zoom min for cluster disable
  • core hide tooltip on popup open
  • core K.Util.geo.featureColl have properties
  • core new Kepler module to show notifications over the map(extend sAlert lib)
  • core new method K.Util.humanize.url()
  • core settings,
  • new placeholder itemPlaceSearch
  • plugin admin add friend in user admin
  • plugin admin change place owner
  • plugin admin new method normalizePlaces to debug data
  • plugin api default disabled rest by new sets K.settings.api.enableRest
  • plugin api fix queries
  • plugin cats moved typeahead.js in kepler plugin edit
  • plugin edit new Place reactive var placeInstance.getOwner()
  • plugin geoinfo show country and city in place search results
  • plugin stats renamed in K.settings.stats.classify
  • plugin stats rewritten in submodules
  • plugin stats plugin stats testing bbox support

v1.6.5 - Place editing improvement

26 Apr 16:38
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  • new tab in panel place show nearby places
  • replace lib verron:autosize with npm version
  • plugin cats fix K.Util.sanitize.catName
  • plugin cats fica removeCat
  • plugin edit support description place editing
  • plugin edit change place location
  • plugin edit fix owner on remove
  • plugin theme new icon icon-places
  • plugin admin button in place panel
  • plugin admin move urls under /admin
  • plugin convers move autoresize lib in core lib
  • map zoom dblclick
  • new tab tabPlace_ui_nearby


23 Apr 15:47
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  • fix map markers glich
  • updated leaflet-layerjson
  • remove 3rd party kepler plugins from .meteor/packages

v1.6.3 - Routing & Caching optimizations

16 Apr 16:23
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  • renamed all caching settings in cacheTime
  • fix K.Cache.get cacheTime
  • core added default geometry for places
  • core rename methods K.Util.geo.point,feature,featureColl
  • core default value K.Cache.expire
  • lib include Latinize in client side
  • plugin admin show geometry plae in panel admin
  • update npm packages, bcrypt babel
  • plugin api new K.settings.public.api.baseUrl
  • plugin api K.Api.writeOut() used by plugin stats
  • plugin api K.settings.api.jsonp
  • plugin stats depends from plugin api
  • plugin admin move method in server method K.adminsEmai()
  • plugin admin fix search user list result double
  • plugin admin K.Admin.getIpInfo()
  • plugin categories show cat rank
  • plugin categories K.Admin.cleanCatsOrphan()
  • plugin geoinfo use for each methods K.settings.geoinfo.cacheTime

v1.6.2 - Routing Point of Interests and Meteor 1.8

10 Apr 21:01
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  • upgrade to Meteor 1.8.1 and other libs updates
  • new method K.Util.setPath set sub property of object by path string
  • new method K.Util.json2html transform json or literal object into a nested ul list
  • plugin pois new async method K.Place.loadPoisTracks()
  • plugin Openrouteservice extend K.Pois.poisTracks
  • plugin Openrouteservice K.settings.public.openrouteservice.poisRoutes
  • plugin Openrouteservice K.settings.openrouteservice.caching
  • plugin admin new settings adminsAutoFriendship
  • plugin geoinfo new method K.Geoinfo.getIpInfo
  • plugin admin new method for debug data in database, sanitizePlacesField
  • plugin geoinfo sanitize text values
  • plugin stats new stat findPlacesByField
  • plugins pois tracks, alert not found
  • fix K.Util.sanitize.regExp
  • fix mobile status
  • fix K.Map zoomout geojson reloading

v1.6.1 - API enhancement and docs

22 Mar 13:44
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  • new user field loginIp to store login address
  • plugin admin new sessions section in user admin panel
  • custom meta and link tags by K.settings.public.router.meta
  • plugin admin create route for each loaded places and users, fix categories tagsinput bug
  • core-ui new helper routeParam, renamed helper ifRoute in routeIs
  • plugin geoinfo new method K.Geoapi.reversegeo
  • new helper routeBack to get url of parent route
  • plugin admin close panel
  • increased coverage for jsdoc comments in the code
  • plugin admin new option K.settings.admin.emailOnStartup

v1.6.0 - Administration Categories

16 Jan 14:13
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  • rename base package from ui to core-ui
  • rename place file urls in urls
  • plugin edit url field is editable
  • plugin geoinfo fields calculate asyncronous on new place insert
  • fix all removeItem hide marker
  • disable gps when gone offline
  • new method K.Util.valid.bbox()
  • plugin edit button in place popup
  • plugin categories panel admin, search categories by name and type
  • core new blaze helper {{join array}}
  • new template helper join
  • plugin categories use tagsinput
  • plugin categories admin remove categories
  • plugin categories admin create new cat by name
  • plugin categories admin user and place sections
  • various fixes