Export GitHub Actions workflow data to OpenTelemetry.
all-in-one image includes OpenTelemetry(OTEL) collector binary and our nodejs server that receives GitHub webhook and exports trace data to OTEL collector in a one container image.
This image is an example of production use. You can deploy it to a managed container service like Cloud Run or run it directly on the machine with docker compose
If you want to run the all-in-one image on your local machine for debugging, you need to do some setup for authorized Google Cloud before running docker compose
# Create application default credentials
gcloud auth application-default login
# Add "project_id" keyvalue to json
vim ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json
export GITHUB_PAT=xxxx
export COLLECTOR_CONFIG_YAML="./otel-collector-config-gcloud.yaml"
docker compose -f compose-all-in-one.yml up --build
If you want to deploy all-in-one image to your container registry, build from Dockerfile and set the tag.
docker buildx build -t YOUR_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_TAG:latest .
Both packages github_actions_otel_trace and server can only send trace data to OpenTelemetry collector, so these need some collector that can receive OpenTelemetry protocol and web server that provides display the trace data for development.
We provide compose.yml which includes OpenTelemetry collector and jaeger. You should run containers before developing js packages.
docker compose up -d
Fine-grained token:
- Actions: Read-only
Classic Token:
- repo