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Zoomkoding Gatsby Blog

Zoomkoding Gatsby Blog is released under the 0BSD license. PRs welcome! contributions welcome

Demo Websites: English | Korean

👋 Introduction

This is a blog theme created for developers who want to create a pretty, clean and search engine friendly development blog.🏅

PRs and issues are all welcome! 👍

✨ Features

  • 😛 Biography using Memoji and rotating-text
  • 💅 Code Highlight
  • 🌘 Dark MOde
  • 🔍 Table of Contents
  • 💬 Comments(Utterances)
  • ⚙️ Easy to configure
  • 🛠 Enhanced SEO & sitemap.xml, robots.txt
  • 📈 Google Analytics
  • 🧢 Emoji

🚀 Quick start

  1. Create a Gatsby site.

    Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the default starter.

    # create a new Gatsby site using the zoomkoding starter
    gatsby new my-default-starter
  2. Start developing.

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.

    cd my-default-starter/
    gatsby develop
  3. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

    Note: You'll also see a second link: http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.

⚙️ Next Steps

You can customize your blog by modifying contents of gatsby-meta-config.js

1. default

Provide your blog's title, description, author, siteUrl, ogImage, social Information(title is used as the blog name in the upper left corner.)

module.exports = {
    title: '', //
    description: '', // zoomkoding's dev log
    author: '', // zoomkoding

    siteUrl: '', //
    ogImage: '', // open graph image (image displayed when the link is shared)
    social: {
        github: '', //
        linkedIn: '', //
        email: '', //

2. bio

bio(Biography is a section introducing the blog author.
For description, you can introduce yourself by adding multiple phrases. If you want to add your Memoji, replace the video file named src/assets/author.mp4.

module.exports = {

    bio: {
        language: 'en', // en, ko
        name: '', // author name
        description: [''], // phases to describe who you are


If you want to have comments for your blog postings, please provide your github repository which is connected to utterances.

🦄 If you want to know how to set up utterances for your repository, read

module.exports = {

    comments: {
        utterances: {
            repo: '' // zoomkoding/zoomkoding-gatsby-blog

👤 About Page

You can also generate About Page with gatsby-meta-config.js. In the file, you can find timestamps and projects under about. If you provide information in the correct format, your About Page will be generated.

1. timestamps

If you provide each timestamp information in an array as shown below, it will be displayed in the timestamps section according to the order you entered.

If there is no such information in links, you can omit it.

module.exports = {

    about: {
        timestamps: [
                date: '', // date
                activity: '', // activity
                links: { // you can omit
                    post: '', // post link
                    googlePlay: '', // googlePlay link
                    appStore: '' // appStore link
                    github: '' // github repostory link

2. projects

Similarly, if you provide information for each project in an array, it will be displayed in the projects section in the order you entered.

module.exports = {

    about: {

        projects: [
                title: '', // project title,
                description: '', // description
                techStack: ['flutter', 'nodejs'], //  tech stack
                thumbnailUrl: '', // thumbnail Url
                links: { // you can omit
                    post: '', // post link
                    googlePlay: '', // googlePlay link
                    appStore: '' // appStore link
                    github: '' // github repostory link

If you entered the contents without any problem, you can check that your own blog was born.🎉

Please re-run through npm start to check the changes in the running blog!

✍️ How to write posts

To write a blog post in earnest, create a directory under /content and write a posting using markdown in

The name of the folder is used to create the path.

ℹ️ Post's Metadata

At the top of the file, you need to provide emoji, title, date, author, tags, categories information as shown below.

Emoji will be shown at the top of the post, and the categories can be divided by spaces and multiple entries can be entered.

emoji: 🧢
title: Getting Started
date: '2021-03-22 23:00:00'
author: 줌코딩
tags: tutorial
categories: tutorial

🖼 Image Path

If you want to attach an image to a post, add an image file to the same directory and use it as follows.


🔍 Table of Contents

If you want the table of contents to be displayed on the right side of the article, add the following contents to the bottom of the file, and the table of contents will be created automatically.



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