Compojure-rest is a thin layer for building RESTful applications on top of compojure. It is loosely modeled after webmachine. It provides a bunch of decorates which can be combined to provide a sophisticated implementation of the HTTP RFC.
Compojure-rest is still in active development and must be considered an incomplete ALPHA release
A small example web application as in test.clj
(ns test
(:use compojure)
(:use compojure-rest))
(defn hello-resource [request]
((-> (method-not-allowed)
(wrap-generate-body (fn [r] (str "Hello " ((request :params) :who "stranger"))))
(wrap-etag (comp :who :params))
(wrap-expiry (constantly 10000))
(wrap-last-modified -1000)
(wrap-exists (comp not #(some #{%} ["cat"]) :who :params))
(wrap-auth (comp not #(some #{%} ["evil"]) :who :params))
(wrap-allow (comp not #(some #{%} ["scott"]) :who :params)))
(defroutes my-app
(ANY "/hello/:who" hello-resource)
(GET "/simple" (str "simple"))
(GET "/echo/:foo" (fn [req] {:headers { "Content-Type" "text/plain" } :body (str (dissoc req :servlet-request))}))
(GET "*" (page-not-found)))
(defn main []
(defserver test-server {:port 8080} "/*" (servlet my-app))
(start test-server)))
You can also define a resource in a more RESTful way, like webmachine allows:
(def product-resource
:content-types-provided [ "text/html", "text/plain"]
:exists (fn [req] (if-let [id (-> req :route-params :id)]
(if (< id 10)
(assoc req ::product (str "P-" id)))))
:generate-etag (fn [req] (str "X-" (req ::product)))
:delete (fn [req] "deleted")
:put (fn [req] (str "PUT: "
((req :route-params) :id) (req :body)))
:get {
"text/html" (fn [req] (str "<h1>" (req ::product) "</h1>"))
:json (fn [req] (str "JSON: " (req ::product)))
:xml (fn [req] (str "XML:" (req ::product)))}))
For compojure-rest you'll need
- Leiningen build tool
- The Compojure library
- clj-conneg for content negotiation. (Available from my github space)
Compojure-rest is licensed under EPL 1.0 (see file epl-v10.html).