License: GNU General Public License v3.0,
With this bash script you can manage Xfce display profiles configured in xfce4-display-settings. This is useful if you want e.g. to automate stuff by setting profiles within a script or with a keyboard shortcut. Minimum required version of Xfce is 4.14.
Set Xfce display profile (option --set-profile <profile_id>). Pass 'list' as <profile_id> to get a menu where you can choose a profile to set. Various checks are performed to assure a profile can be applied in first place. The question 'Would you like to keep this configuration?' will be asked after applying a profile, the previous configuration will be restored within 10 seconds if you not reply to this question (this question can be disabled with option --disable-askkeep). After a profile is successfully applied, the previous profile will be configured as Fallback profile and the current active profile will be configured as Default profile.
List all Xfce display profiles (option --list-profiles). The profile set as /displays/ActiveProfile in Xfconf will be highlighted, the state is 'set; active' if actual display cofiguration match the ActiveProfile, otherwise is 'set; not active'.
List verbose will show Xfce display profiles configuration (option --list-verbose). The equivalent xrandr command to set a profile will also be shown, useful if you want to port an Xfce display profile in other desktop environments.
Remove Xfce display profile or remove single outputs from an Xfce display profile (option --remove-profile <profile_id>). Pass 'list' as <profile_id> to get a menu where you can choose a profile to remove.
Apply a profile even if there are missing displays, but only if said displays are configured as inactive in a Xfce display profile (option --skip-inactive).
All of these features can be used via command line or with a graphical user interface (option --gui).
curl -o /tmp/ ''
sudo mkdir -p /opt/xfce4-display-profile-chooser/
sudo mv /tmp/ /opt/xfce4-display-profile-chooser/
sudo chown root:root /opt/xfce4-display-profile-chooser/
sudo chmod 755 /opt/xfce4-display-profile-chooser/
sudo chmod +x /opt/xfce4-display-profile-chooser/
sudo ln -s /opt/xfce4-display-profile-chooser/ /usr/local/bin/xfce4-display-profile-chooser
$ xfce4-display-profile-chooser <option> <value>
-s, --set-profile <profile_id> Set a profile. Pass 'list' as <profile_id> to get a menu
where you can choose a profile to set.
-l, --list-profiles Show profiles list.
-v, --list-verbose Show profiles list with additional info.
-d, --list-default Show Default profile in profiles list.
-f, --list-fallback Show Fallback profile in profiles list.
-r, --remove-profile <profile_id> Remove a profile. Pass 'list' as <profile_id> to get a menu
where you can choose a profile to remove.
-k, --skip-inactive Skip check on outputs configured as inactive.
-a, --disable-askkeep Disable <Would you like to keep this configuration?> question.
-g, --gui Start with a graphical user interface.
-h, --help Show this help.