Graph Editor 1.0 is a graph visualizer program, which includes a set of features that will help you in creating, modifying, and visualizing any graph data structure easily.
Graph Editor doesn't have any prerequisities rather than Java JDK, You can run the whole project in any java IDE or directly run the JAR executable file in the following path
- Programming Language: Java
- GUI Framework: JavaFX
Adds a new node with the name written in the textbox.
Removes an existing node with the name written in the textbox.
Adds a new edge with two ends written in the textbox with default weight 1.
Removes an existing edge with two ends written in the textbox.
Modifies an existing edge with two ends written in the textbox with weight written the in the textbox.
A feature that keep cummulating the weights of all edges that were previously added with two ends written in the textboxes. You can also clear all already added edges with the clear button.
Adds all edges that will make the graph a Complete Graph.
Clears the graph and the following graph will be an undirected one.
Clears the graph and the following graph will be a directed one.
Any end terminal of an edge will be visualized by a small red circle.
Clears all the nodes and edges.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.