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Call notes STTM meet Q3 2022

Gauravjeet Singh edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 7 revisions

23 September

Last week

  • Research and put a proposal of making sttm-desktop compatible with realm and raspbian OS ⌛
  • QA the 9.1.0 builds ✅
  • Add menu in 9.1.0 for linux ✅
  • SSO Dummy app with github oauth - Resolve issue with browser window ✅

Next week

  • Research and put a proposal of making sttm-desktop compatible with realm and raspbian OS
  • Beta release 9.1.0
  • SSO Authentication part
  • SCSS refactor plan


  • SSO registration is blocked for sttm-desktop, waiting on its resolve to work further on SSO implementation.

16 September

Last week

  • 9.0.5 production release after QA passed. ✅
  • CI/CD pipeline for automated builds of pi 🛑
  • Send builds of 9.1.0 for QA 🛑
  • Update timeline for SSO milestone - ✅
  • Complete SSO demo electron app with github oauth - 🛑 Browser window creating issue

Next week

  • Research and put a proposal of making sttm-desktop compatible with realm and raspbian OS
  • Send the 9.1.0 builds for QA
  • Add menu in 9.1.0 for linux
  • SSO Dummy app with github oauth - Resolve issue with browser window


  • No Blocker

02 September

Last week

  • 9.0.5 feedback fixes ✅
  • Show sttm menu in pi ✅
  • CI/CD pipeline for automated builds of pi⌛
  • Create SSO demo electron app with github oauth⌛
  • Create timeline for SSO milestone
  • QA 9.1.0 and fix bugs 🛑

Next week

  • 9.0.5 production release after QA passed.

  • CI/CD pipeline for automated builds of pi

  • Send builds of 9.1.0 for QA

  • Update timeline for SSO milestone

  • Complete SSO demo electron app with github oauth


  • No Blocker

26 August

Last week

  • Chromecast spacing issues ✅
  • Finalize SSO workfow ✅
  • CI push for raspberry pi ⌛
  • Release 9.0.5 production 🛑
  • Beta Alpha release 9.1.0 🛑

Next week

  • 9.0.5 feedback fixes
  • QA 9.1.0 and fix bugs
  • Show sttm menu in pi
  • CI/CD pipeline for automated builds of pi
  • Create SSO demo electron app with github oauth
  • Create timeline for SSO milestone


  • No Blocker

19 August

Last week

  • Random shabad Bug ✅
  • Chromecast spacing issues ⌛
  • Create raspberry pi build ✅
  • Finalize SSO workflow 🕐

Next week

  • Chromecast spacing issues
  • Finalize SSO workfow
  • CI push for raspberry pi
  • Release 9.0.5 production
  • Beta release 9.1.0


  • No Blocker

12 August

Last week

  • Inder Singh to present milestones on Khalis PM Call ⌛
  • Viewer Support with electron 19 ✅
  • 9.0.5 bug fixes and enhancements ✅
  • Work on sttm-api ✔️

Next week

  • Random shabad Bug
  • Chromecast spacing issues
  • Create raspberry pi build
  • Finalize SSO workflow


  • No Blocker