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KhaosVoid edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

The common.bmssv file is mainly responsible for recording player game progress. The file can contain the following Sections in no particular order:


This section stores the location data for the player. This data is comprised of:

  • LevelID (always "c10_samus")
  • ScenarioID (current area)
  • StartPoint (save station to spawn at)
  • CheckPointKey (unknown)


This section stores:

  • Acquired expansions, abilities, weapon and suit upgrades
  • Current/Max Energy, Missiles, Power Bombs


This section contains a variety of information, ranging from game version and build, completion percentage, in-game time and cumulative time played, total expansions picked up, as well as the Amiibo unlocks.


This section has a few flags, but some of them are useful, such as the number of E.M.M.I. units defeated, if Quiet Robe has been met, if the Quarantine chamber has been opened, and if World teleporting is enabled.


This section records the list of cutscenes that have played.


It is not entirely certain what this section is recording. It seems to contain values that deal with the teleporters for the different areas as well as a series of AreaBox entries for which their purpose is currently unknown.


This section records the events and tutorials that can be re-read in game.