Torznab proxy for T411 French Private Torrent Tracker
It uses Nodejs
Simply clone this repository Then run
npm install
cp config.json.sample config.json
Then edit the config.js file to enter your credentials and listen port of the proxy
Simply run :
node server.js
Then the proxy is listening on the port specified It will try to connect to to obtain a token with the credentials set in the server.js file
Now you can configure Sonarr to use this proxy to make requests to T411 The API key is not needed to this proxy, but you must input something so that Sonarr works For the moment the categories are not working (put anything you want here)
Simply build :
docker build -t t411-torznab .
Simply run :
docker run -d -p 9876:9876 -e USERNAME=t411USER -e PASSWORD=T411PASS t411-torznab