My personal collection of dotfiles.
I took inspiration from Anish Athalye's guide on dotfiles management.
Here is how I currently install my dotfiles:
git clone ~/dotfiles
git -C ~/dotfiles remote set-url --push origin
cd ~/dotfiles
go run install.go
Must have:
- fish for shell and scripts. It provides auto-suggestions, easier history navigation, a git-aware prompt, sane scripting, and good defaults that minimize configuration.
- fzf 0.23.0 or higher, for fuzzy file finding.
- go 1.13 or higher, to run
; a cross-platform solution to link dotfiles. - nvim (neovim) 5.0.0 or higher, for editing.
- rg (ripgrep) for recursive directory search.
- tmux for spawning and managing terminals in a tiled fashion.