This container starts with a Ubuntu Server image and layers on apache2, php7.2 and composer. It then creates Drupal 10 website using Composer.
This is the only maintaned version. It stayes with the current LTS version of Ubuntu
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name [AppName] kiendeleo/drupalcomposer:[Tag]
- Apache directives: apache:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
- PHP.ini: php:/etc/php/
- Site Files: drupal:/var/www/site/
- Run command for Persistance: docker run -d -v drupal:/var/www/site -v php:/etc/php/ -v apache:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ kiendeleo/drupalcomposer:latest
- SSH (Self-signed cert)
Based on what i've learned from this:
- SpiralOutDotEu/docker-apache-php-composer
- nimmis/apache-php5
- webdevops/php-boilerplate
- Dan Pupius@Medium:Apache and PHP on Docker
- Yunes Rafie@sitepoint:Docker and Dockerfiles Made Easy!