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Adding or Editing KCL Material ID Presets

KillzXGaming edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Creating Presets

KCL collision files use material IDs to apply certain effects to the model of the collision. This can be lava, water, road, particle effects, sounds, and alot more varied options. These IDs are done per game and must be determined by testing out what numbers cause what in game.

Each game has their own set of presets. You can add additional games by making a new .json file located in the "KclMaterialPresets" folder.

A very simple base for this file can be copied here

  "GameTitle": "ANewGame",
  "Platform": "SWITCH",
  "PrismThickness": 30.0,
  "SphereRadius": 25.0,
  "Comments": "",
  "MaterialPresets": {

The settings for PrismThickness and SphereRadius can be ignored. These are only necessary for specific games. The GameTitle is what the title of the game you are editing. This will show up in the preset tab.

Platform depends on the game you use. There is SWITCH, WII U, WII, GCN, NDS and N3DS.

To add a material entry simply format like this.

"NumberID": "EffectHere",


Advanced usage

Specific settings can also be applied. Example:

  "GameTitle": "Default",
  "Platform": "SWITCH",
  "PrismThickness": 30.0,
  "SphereRadius": 25.0,
  "PaddingMin": -50.0,
  "PaddingMax": 50.0,
  "MaxRootSize": 2048,
  "MinRootSize": 128,
  "MinCubeSize": 32,
  "MaxTrianglesInCube": 10,
  "Comments": "",
  "MaterialPresets": {

Padding sizes can sometimes vary between games. You may need to experiment with it if you have issues falling through the collision.

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