Releases: KingMichaelPark/dotfiles
Releases · KingMichaelPark/dotfiles
1.8.0 (2024-12-15)
- bump nerd fonts to the correct spacing
- update blink config to actually work correctly
- stick to git for now
- add delta as jj pager
- update default email address
- add jj config
- add jj config
- update lazy mapping
- add colima config and dashboard
- add colima config
- update readme
- update treesitter config
- Bump Mikevka to latest Iosevka version
- fix cmp and update font config
- update mappings to have better error message handling
- pure
- add full path to lualine
- remove unused plugins
- add alias for yazi and set line height in wezterm
- cmp using blink
- update buf formatting logic
- lsp
- remove duplicate linter config
- fzf completion
- telescope mappings
- update telescope options
- remove aliases
- zinit shortcut
- lualine formatting
- cloak
- line height
1.7.0 (2024-10-29)
- Update font family to latest release and set correct line height
- tidy up file formatting and remove nnn plugins
1.6.0 (2024-10-27)
- tidy, format and update everything to Catppuccin
- use uv for python package resolution
- delete .cz.yaml
- don't need to source control colima
- add rose-pine theme for autumn vibes
- add avante custom prompts
- update cmp appearance
- avante quality prompts
- lazygit highlighting
- add settings for my PR for mason to use uv
- diffview mappings
1.5.0 (2024-10-04)
- add wezterm sessioniser and keymaps
- add avante to use anthropic instead of openai
- add more treesitter text objects
- use uv via my fork for mason.nvim
- make background slightly darker
1.4.1 (2024-09-13)
- add additional ligatures to font
Full Changelog:
- add update font version to latest nerd and iosevka releases
- add kulala http client
- add avante.nvim plugin
- faster previewer
- switch gpt model to 4o-mini
- bump fonts
- add some nnn plugins so I can get image previews
- Add tmux mappings for wezterm
- add gopls language server
- catppuccin bat and delta
- switch to ruff server from ruff_lsp
- Add colorhints
- Update to neovim 0.10.0 features
- lazygit delta argument configuration
- tsserver -> ts_ls
- lazygit config
- tidy catppuccin to make it cleaner
- slightly warmer background palette
- remove avante, stole code
- remove webdevicons from oil as I never use them
- lsp autoformat for biome
- which-key
- highlight colors fzf
- typo
- online backup script
- mappings for tabs
- tab function in wezterm shortcut
- remove conceal layer
- remove comment inlays until required
- sql comments in neovim 0.10.0
- update gitignore
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0
What's Changed
- fix: lsp.lua icons by @KingMichaelPark in #1
New Contributors
- @KingMichaelPark made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0
1.2.0 - Tidier and Simplified
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.2.0
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2