Demo project for testing thousands of transactions for smart contracts.
It needs:
- Truffle 4.0.3
- Ganache-cli v6.1.0-beta.0 (see this release notes)
The project contains a very dummy lottery (see contracts/Lottery.sol
) and a bunch of tests.
How to run tests:
Test_01_buy_5_tickets.es6 is the basic test. It can be run in
truffle develop
Test_02_buy_500_tickets_automining.es6 tries to by 500 tickets and needs ganache with automining and
truffle console
Test_03_buy_500_tickets_using_events.es6 tries to by 500 tickets and needs ganache with fixed block time and
truffle console
Number of tickets may be increased to 5K or 15K.
Running ganache with automining:
ganache-cli -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat" -u 0 -u 1 --gasLimit 0x2FEFD800000 -a 100 --defaultBalanceEther 10000 > ganache.log
Running ganache with fixed block time:
ganache-cli -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat" -u 0 -u 1 --gasLimit 0x2FEFD800000 -a 100 --defaultBalanceEther 10000 --blocktime 5 > ganache.log
PS Do not forget to run npm install
to checkout all necessary deps before running tests.