To build, use Visual Studio (2017). Included solutions should have the settings for headers and libraries, otherwise: Both should have:
- [$(ProjectDir)\include] under Settings->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories
- [$(ProjectDir)\lib] under Settings->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories
ClientServerProto should also include [libssl.lib;libcrypto.lib] in Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
Paths to debug executables:
Server: ..\ClientServerProto\Debug\ClientServerProto.exe - this one should have two .dll files (libcrypto-1_1.dll and libssl-1_1.dll)
Client: ..\ClientProto\Debug\ClientProto.exe
- Run the ClientServerProto
- Run the ClientProto - 20 instances can run simultaneously
- Type anything in ClientProto - Server would receive that in text
- Server sends back hashed string