Created fullstack MERN application to help a developer to connect with other developers. Developer can view the profile of other developers even if they are not logged in. But if they want to create post or an interact with a post they must login. App is using github api to fetch the latest projects of the developer.
- Login and Registration (JWT token)
- Create/Edit your profile
- View others profile
- Create post
- Comment on post
- Give a like on post
The following tools were used in this project:
- React.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- JSON web token
- Redux
- Bootstrap
# Run client
$ cd client
$ npm i # Install dependencies
$ npm run client # starts client server
# Run server
$ npm run server # starts express server
# Run client and server together
$ npm run dev # starts both server
# The client server will initialize in the <http://localhost:3000>
# The express server will initialize in the <http://localhost:8080>