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K4ryuu edited this page Jul 25, 2024 · 1 revision

Plugin Configuration Wiki

This wiki page collects the descriptions of the plugin configurations for users who may find them unclear.

Table of Contents


Json Type: general

Configuration Entries:

  1. minimum-demo-duration

    • Default Value: 5.0
    • Possible Values: float
    • Description: Minimum duration in seconds for a demo to be considered valid and start the processes on stop.
  2. delete-demo-after-upload

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Deletes the (not zipped) demo file after it has been successfully uploaded.
  3. delete-zipped-demo-after-upload

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Deletes the zipped demo file after it has been successfully uploaded.
  4. log-uploads

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Logs the success of each upload process operation.
  5. use-timestamped-filename

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Uses a timestamped filename for the uploaded demo. This adds a timestamp to the end of the file name.


Json Type: discord

Configuration Entries:

  1. webhook-url

    • Default Value: ""
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: The URL of the Discord webhook to send notifications to.
  2. webhook-avatar

    • Default Value: ""
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: URL of the avatar image for the webhook messages.
  3. webhook-upload-file

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Specifies if the demo file should be uploaded to Discord. If you upload to Mega, it's recommended to disable this feature. The webhook will be sent even if the file is not uploaded to Discord (but to Mega).
    • Warning: Discord has a maximum allowed upload size for ZIPs, so if you record a full map and it's above 25MB, use crop-rounds, which crops the recording of the full map per round start and uploads separately. Or simply disable this feature and use Mega uploading only with the webhooks.
  4. webhook-name

    • Default Value: "CSGO Demo Bot"
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: The name of the bot that will appear in the Discord message.
  5. embed-title

    • Default Value: "New CSGO Demo Available"
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: Title of the embed message in Discord. Supports placeholders (see here).
  6. embed-description

    • Default Value: "Match demo details:\nMap: {map}\nRecording Date: {date}\nRecording Time: {time}\nRecording Timedate: {timedate}\nDemo Length: {length}\nRound: {round}\nMega URL: {mega_link}"
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: Description of the embed message in Discord, supports placeholders (see here) for dynamic content.
  7. embed-color

    • Default Value: 3447003
    • Possible Values: int
    • Description: Color of the embed message in Discord, specified in decimal format.
  8. message-text

    • Default Value: "@everyone New CSGO Demo Available!"
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: Text content of the message to be sent along with the embed. Supports placeholders (see here).


Json Type: auto-record

Configuration Entries:

  1. enabled

    • Default Value: false
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Enables or disables the automatic recording feature that handles the start/stop actions.
  2. crop-rounds

    • Default Value: false
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: If true, the recording will be cropped at every round start and uploaded per round. This is recommended to enable if you record a full map and wants to use webhook-upload-file due to Discord's upload limit of 25MB for zipped files.
  3. stop-on-idle

    • Default Value: false
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Stops the recording if the server has less than idle-player-count-threshold player count for idle-time-seconds seconds.
  4. idle-player-count-threshold

    • Default Value: 0
    • Possible Values: int
    • Description: Number of players considered as idle for stopping the recording.
  5. idle-time-seconds

    • Default Value: 300
    • Possible Values: int
    • Description: Idle time in seconds before the recording is stopped.


Json Type: mega

Configuration Entries:

  1. email

    • Default Value: ""
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: Email address for the MEGA account used for uploads. Not required if you don't want to use Mega.
  2. password

    • Default Value: ""
    • Possible Values: string
    • Description: Password for the MEGA account used for uploads. Not required if you don't want to use Mega.


Json Type: demo-request

Configuration Entries:

  1. enabled

    • Default Value: false
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Enables or disables the demo request feature. Recordings will automatically use crop-rounds and only be uploaded if anyone within that round types !demo. This is useful to avoid uploading unnecessary files, only recording significant moments or to catch cheaters for admins.
  2. print-all

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Prints to everyone that someone requested to upload the current round and it will be uploaded. If disabled, only the requester gets a response.
  3. delete-unused

    • Default Value: true
    • Possible Values: true/false
    • Description: Deletes unused demo files after processing. Unused files are those not requested by anyone, so they won't be used for processing.


Placeholders should be used in the format {placeholder}.

  • map: Represents the name of the server map.
  • date: Represents the current date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • time: Represents the current time in the format "HH:mm:ss".
  • timedate: Represents the current date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
  • length: Represents the duration of something, likely a demo length, formatted as "mm:ss".
  • round: Represents the total number of rounds played in a game.
  • mega_link: Represents whether a file has been uploaded to Mega or not.
  • requester_name: Represents the names of the requesters, separated by commas.
  • requester_steamid: Represents the Steam IDs of the requesters, separated by commas.
  • requester_both: Represents both the names and Steam IDs of the requesters, formatted as "name (steamid)", separated by commas.
  • requester_count: Represents the total count of requesters.
  • player_count: Represents the total count of players.

Additionally, there are placeholders for multiple requesters, indexed by their count:

  • requester_name[i]: Represents the name of the ith requester.
  • requester_steamid[i]: Represents the Steam ID of the ith requester.
  • requester_both[i]: Represents the name and Steam ID of the ith requester.

This wiki aims to provide clear and concise information about each configuration option available in the plugin. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please refer to the plugin's documentation or support resources.