The kcl
Language Server Protocol
implementation and VSCode extension.
This language server is a thin wrapper around the KCL language tooling library. That is found in the modeling-app repo, and published as on as kcl-lib.
Install our extension: KittyCAD Language Server
You can add the following to your vim
configuration if you are using lspconfig
This is @jessfraz's setup.
if executable('kcl-language-server')
lua << EOF
local lspconfig = require 'lspconfig'
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
if not configs.kcl_lsp then
configs.kcl_lsp = {
default_config = {
cmd = {'kcl-language-server', 'server', '--stdio'},
filetypes = {'kcl'},
root_dir = lspconfig.util.root_pattern('.git'),
single_file_support = true,
docs = {
description = [=[
The KittyCAD Language Server Protocol implementation for the KCL language.
To better detect kcl files, the following can be added:
vim.cmd [[ autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.kcl set filetype=kcl ]]
default_config = {
root_dir = [[root_pattern(".git")]],
echo "You might want to install kcl-language-server:"
Add this to your languages.toml
file. Remember to change /Users/adamchalmers
to your path.
Note that we don't currently have Treesitter parsers, so there won't be syntax highlighting.
name = "kcl"
scope = "source.kcl"
injection-regex = "kcl"
file-types = ["kcl"]
comment-tokens = "//"
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
language-servers = [ "kcl-lsp" ]
block-comment-tokens = { start = "/*", end = "*/"}
command = "/Users/adamchalmers/kc-repos/kcl-lsp/target/release/kcl-language-server"
args = ["server", "--stdio"]
$ yarn install
$ cargo build
$ code .
Once VSCode opens, go to the "Run and Debug" panel (cmd-shift-D on MacOS), and choose Run Extension (Debug Build). This opens a new VSCode window with our KCL extension installed. Open a KCL file and check that the LSP is working.
- press F5 or change to the Debug panel and click Launch Client
If encountered errors like
Cannot find module '/xxx/xxx/dist/extension.js'
please try run commandtsc -b