The Circuit Breaker design pattern is used to increase application stability, improve response times and prevent the application from making constant failing requests. This library provides the tools needed to bring Circuit Breaker logic to your Swift applications.
The latest version of CircuitBreaker works with the 5.1
and newer version of the Swift binaries. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link.
Add CircuitBreaker
to the dependencies within your application's Package.swift
file. Substitute "x.x.x"
with the latest CircuitBreaker
.package(url: "", from: "x.x.x")
Add CircuitBreaker
to your target's dependencies:
.target(name: "example", dependencies: ["CircuitBreaker"]),
Import the package inside your application:
import CircuitBreaker
The CircuitBreaker state is based on timeouts and user defined failures (quite useful when the function you are circuit breaking makes an asynchronous call). To use the CircuitBreaker in your application code you need to do the following:
- Define a fallback function with the signature
(BreakerError, (fallbackArg1, fallbackArg2, ...)) -> Void
func myFallback(err: BreakerError, msg: String) {
// The fallback will be called if one of the below occurs:
// 1. The request does not return before the specified timeout
// 2. CircuitBreaker is currently in Open state and set to fail fast.
// 3. There was an error in the user's called context function (networking error, etc.)
Log.verbose("Error: \(err)")
Log.verbose("Message: \(msg)")
- Extend BreakerError by defining your own error handling to be used in your context function:
extension BreakerError {
public static let encodingURLError = BreakerError(reason: "URL could not be created")
public static let networkingError = BreakerError(reason: "There was an error, while sending the request")
public static let jsonDecodingError = BreakerError(reason: "Could not decode result into JSON")
- Create a context function for the logic you intend to circuit break (this allows you to alert the CircuitBreaker of a failure or a success). A context function receives an
object as its parameter. An instance of theInvocation
class states:- The parameter types that must be passed to the context function.
- The return type from the execution of the context function.
- The parameter type used as the second argument for the fallback closure.
func myContextFunction(invocation: Invocation<(String), String>) {
let requestParam = invocation.commandArgs
// Create HTTP request
guard let url = URL(string: "\(requestParam)") else {
// Something went wrong
invocation.notifyFailure(error: .encodingURLError)
var req = URLRequest(url: url)
req.httpMethod = "GET"
let session = URLSession.shared
// Perform the request
session.dataTask(with: req) { result, res, err in
guard let result = result else {
// Failed getting a result from the server
invocation.notifyFailure(error: .networkingError)
// Convert results to a JSON object
guard let json = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: result, options: [])) as? [String: Any] else {
invocation.notifyFailure(error: .jsonDecodingError)
// Process JSON data
- Create a CircuitBreaker instance for each context function (e.g. endpoint) you wish to circuit break. The CircuitBreaker instance must specify a name for the circuit breaker, the endpoint to circuit break and the fallback function. Optional configurations include: group, timeout, resetTimeout, maxFailures, rollingWindow and bulkhead, for further details about these configuration options see the API reference.
let breaker = CircuitBreaker(name: "Circuit1", command: myContextFunction, fallback: myFallback)
- Invoke the call to the endpoint by calling the CircuitBreaker
method. You should pass the corresponding arguments for the context command and fallback closures. In this sample,myContextFunction
takes a string as its parameter whilemyFallback
takes a string as its second parameter:
let requestParam: String = "myRequestParams" requestParam, fallbackArgs: "Something went wrong.")
extension BreakerError {
public static let encodingURLError = BreakerError(reason: "URL could not be created")
public static let networkingError = BreakerError(reason: "There was an error, while sending the request")
public static let jsonDecodingError = BreakerError(reason: "Could not decode result into JSON")
func myFallback(err: BreakerError, msg: String) {
// The fallback will be called if one of the below occurs:
// 1. The request does not return before the specified timeout
// 2. CircuitBreaker is currently in Open state and set to fail fast.
// 3. There was an error in the user's called context function (networking error, etc.)
Log.verbose("Error: \(err)")
Log.verbose("Message: \(msg)")
func myContextFunction(invocation: Invocation<(String), String>) {
let requestParam = invocation.commandArgs
// Create HTTP request
guard let url = URL(string: "\(requestParam)") else {
// Something went wrong...
invocation.notifyFailure(error: .encodingURLError)
var req = URLRequest(url: url)
req.httpMethod = "GET"
let session = URLSession.shared
// Perform Request
session.dataTask(with: req) { result, res, err in
guard let result = result else {
// Failed getting a result from the server
invocation.notifyFailure(error: .networkingError)
// Convert results to a JSON object
guard let json = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: result, options: [])) as? [String: Any] else {
invocation.notifyFailure(error: .jsonDecodingError)
// Process JSON data
let breaker = CircuitBreaker(name: "Circuit1", command: myContextFunction, fallback: myFallback)
let requestParam: String = "myRequestParams" requestParam, fallbackArgs: "Something went wrong.")
The following statistics will be tracked for the CircuitBreaker instance:
- Total Requests
- Concurrent Requests
- Rejected Requests
- Successful Responses
- Average Execution Response Time
- Average Total Response Time
- Failed Responses
- Total Timeouts
- Total Latency
- Total Execution Latency
- Hystrix Compliant Snapshot
The example code below shows how to log a snapshot of the statistics and how to create a Hystrix compliant snapshot.
// Create CircuitBreaker
let breaker = CircuitBreaker(name: "Circuit1", command: myFunction, fallback: myFallback)
// Invoke breaker call (a: 10, b: 20), fallbackArgs: "Something went wrong.")
// Log statistics snapshot
// Hystrix compliant snapshot
let snapshot = breaker.snapshot
The CircuitBreaker library provides an interface for observing new CircuitBreaker instances in order to register and track statistics changes. In the initialization of a CircuitBreaker instance, the linked monitors are notified of its instantiation allowing them to begin tracking the instance's statistics. The CircuitBreaker instance exposes a Hystrix compliant statistics snapshot to the monitor which can then be processed accordingly. See the API documentation for more information.
For more information visit our API reference.
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This Swift package is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.