Something tiny and funny!
I think the /. in the wolfram language is a useful grammar because it separates symbolic representation and assignment. Such as:
Solve[a x^2 + b x + c == 0, x]/.{a->1, b->2, c->1}
So I do want to accomplish similar grammar and call it "@to"
Let's see
@to sin(a) * b (a => 1, b => 2)
out[1]= 1.682941969615793
@to cos(a) * sin(b) {a => 1, b => 2}
out[2]= 0.49129549643388193
a = 3
b = 4
@to x * y [x => a, y => b]
out[3]= 12
using Plots
@to plot(θ, r, proj = :polar, m = 2) {θ => range(0, 1.5π, length = 100), r => abs.(0.1 .* randn(100) .+ sin.(3θ))}
It's OK to use () , {} and [] to package your assignment statement.
Grammar Test is incomplete, when you are using this macro, please pay attention!
Now the KalmanFilter.jl just include the Classic Kalman Filter, so it is limited.
All symbols are the same of wikipedia, so it is easy to contrast wiki when scanning the code.
let's see how it works.
using StatsBase
using Plots
using Distributions
const kf = KalmanFilter
x_0 = [0.0, 1.0]
P_0 = [0.6 0.0; 0.0 1.0]
F = [1.0 1.0; 0.0 1.0]
Q = 0.25 .* [0.0025 0.005; 0.005 0.01]
H = [1.0 0.0]
R = ones(1, 1) * 100.0
move = kf.Movement(F, Q)
obsv = kf.Observation(H, R)
interior = kf.Interior(2, 1)
xprocess = x_0
xnew = x_0
for i in 1:200
xnew = F*xnew + [0.5, 1.0]*rand(Normal(0.0, 0.05))
xprocess = hcat(xprocess, xnew)
processlist = xprocess[1, 2:end]
randomnoise = rand(Normal(0, 10), 200)
recordlist = processlist + randomnoise
recordlist = reshape(recordlist, 1, length(recordlist))
kf.check_kalman(x, P, recordlist[:, 1], interior, move, obsv)
x_update, P_update = x_0, P_0
xlist = x
Klist = [0.0; 0.0]
for i in 1:size(recordlist)[2]
x_predict, P_predict = kf.predict_kalman(x_update, P_update, move)
x_update, P_update = kf.update_kalman!(x_predict, P_predict, recordlist[:, i], obsv, interior)
xlist = hcat(xlist, x_update)
Klist = hcat(Klist, interior.K)
p2 = plot(processlist, label = "real trace")
plot!(p2, xlist[1, 2:end], label = "km trace")
plot!(p2, recordlist[1, :], label = "obseved trace", legend = :topleft, dpi = 150)
p3 = plot(xlist[2, 2:end], label = "km velocity")
plot!(p3, xprocess[2, 2:end], label = "real velocity", dpi = 150)
p1 = plot(processlist .- xlist[1, 2:end])
plot!(p1, processlist .- recordlist[1, :], dpi = 150)
plot(p2, p3, p1, layout = (3, 1), dpi = 150, legend = false)
using Plots
using Statistics
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
x0 = [10., 0., 0., 1.]
δt = 0.5
σq = 0.01
ω = 0.1
F = [1. δt 0. 0.
-ω^2 1. 0. 0.
0. 0. 1. δt
0. 0. -ω^2 1.]
Q = [0.25*δt^4 0.5*δt^3 0. 0.
0.5*δt^3 δt^2 0. 0.
0. 0. 0.25*δt^4 0.5*δt^3
0. 0. 0.5*δt^3 δt^2] * σq^2
Ftransform(x::Vector{Float64}) = F*x
Htransform(x::Vector{Float64}) = [√(x[1]^2 + x[3]^2), atan(x[3], x[1])]
H_inverse(x::Vector{Float64}) = [x[1]*cos(x[2]), x[1]*sin(x[2])]
σl = 0.5
σθ = 0.05
R = [σl^2 0.
0. σθ^2]
Steps = 200
pos = x0
true_state = x0
for i in 1:Steps
pos = F*pos + [0.5*δt^2, δt, 0., 0.] * rand(Normal(0., σq)) + [0., 0., 0.5*δt^2, δt] * rand(Normal(0., σq))
true_state = hcat(true_state, pos)
true_trace = true_state[[1, 3], :]
observe_state = mapslices(Htransform, true_state, dims = 1)
observe_state = observe_state + rand(MvNormal(R), Steps + 1)
observe_trace = mapslices(H_inverse, observe_state, dims = 1)
p1 = plot(true_trace[1, :], true_trace[2, :], label = "true trace")
plot!(p1, observe_trace[1, :],observe_trace[2, :], label = "observe trace", dpi = 150, images
![true trace and observed trace](images/unscented kalman filter img0.png)
const kf = KalmanFilter
sigma = kf.Sigma(1., 2., 2.)
noise = kf.Noise(Q, R)
x_update = [11.2, 0., 0., 1.2]
P_update = [1.2 0. 0. 0.
0. 0.2 0. 0.
0. 0. 1.2 0.
0. 0. 0. 0.2]
xlist = x0
for i in 2:Steps+1
x_update, P_update, K = noise(x_update, P_update, observe_state[:, i], sigma, Ftransform, Htransform)
xlist = hcat(xlist, x_update)
plot!(p1, xlist[1, :], xlist[3, :], label = "filter trace", dpi = 150, legend = :topleft)
![compare filter trace](images/unscented kalman filter img1.png)
Let's see the errors of filter trace and observed trace
![error](images/unscented kalman filter img2.png)