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Trouble shooting

ManuelKlettner edited this page May 27, 2021 · 3 revisions
  • If you have performed all the steps mentioned in the readme and in getting started, but the mirror still does not respond, have a look at you config.js file. Usually at the beginning of the file there is something called the ipWhitelist:. Add the IP-address of your smartphone here to allow it sending commands to your mirror. If you don't know how to find out the IP-address of your smartphone a quick search with your favorite search engine will help.
  • Check if you are using a recent version (2.2.0 or higher) of MMM-Remote-Control
  • Check if you have put in the apiKey which is specified in your config.js. To do this, open the settings of MM-Remote. Here you can see the currently active apiKey and can change it (e.g. if there is a typo present).
  • If you have already installed an older version of the app previously, you might need to deinstall it before installing the new version
  • If a command is not working even though you are using all the required dependencies (e.g. toggling the monitor on/off might not work if you are using a TV instead of a pc-monitor) you can overwrite the shell-command which is used with a command that is working for you. To do this, open your config.js file and add the customCommand section to the module MMM-Remote-Control.
module: 'MMM-Remote-Control',
  config: {
    customCommand: {
      monitorOnCommand: 'Shell command that is working for you, to turn your monitor on',
      monitorOff: 'Shell command that is working for you, to turn your monitor off',
  • If decreasing the brightness does only work for parts of the screen, you can have a look here
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