Website to help users find events near them, based on price, and giving the ability to add events to their Google calendar.
Short User story: If a user is looking for something to do, they can input their location, either by typing or clicking on the "find location" icon. They can then toggle wether or not the results display Free events only. The user is then taken to the results screen which shows a list of events withing a certain distance starting from soonest to latest. The user can eiher filter the results more, or click on an event to open the description or add to their google calendar.
Link to Eventaroo's live Github pages site
Link to archived MVP version of Eventaroo - hosted on Surge
Link to active beta Eventaroo Surge development build
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, API calls to Eventbrite/Google-Maps/Google-Calendar
[x] make the filter buttons submit when changed
[ ] add page numbers to Pagination