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Releases: KoenZomers/KeePassOneDriveSync


24 Nov 00:27
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  • Fixed the issue where the plugin cannot check for an update #151


22 May 08:14
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  • Bugfix causing opening of the KeePassOneDriveSync about dialog to crash KeePass. Thanks to Drew O'Hara for letting me know!


22 May 00:31
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  • Fixed a bug where uploading a KeePass database to a document library on SharePoint having "Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited?" set to Yes would never make the KeePass database show up in SharePoint issue 131
  • Updated the SharePoint connector so that it now makes use of versioning in the SharePoint document library allowing you to see in SharePoint when it was updated and allowing you to revert to previous versions of the KeePass database just like already was the case when storing the KeePass database on OneDrive for Business
  • Removed OneDrive option in the cloud storage providers as there really should not be a reason anymore to use it instead of the Microsoft Graph options on the first tab
  • Removed the wording Microsoft Graph on the first tab of the cloud storage providers as I noticed it is confusing for many people. Named them OneDrive & OneDrive for Business instead. Technically, they're still using the Microsoft Graph to connect to OneDrive, so it's just a visual change.
  • Fixed a small issue when refreshing the SharePoint location picker or enabling/disabling showing of hidden libraries not entirely working well
  • Changed that in the OneDrive and SharePoint file pickers, if an item in the folder has the same name as shown in the filename textbox, that it will get selected by default to make it clearer that it already exists in that folder
  • Added tooltips for files and folders in the SharePoint file picker to show additional information on these items when hovering over them such as creation date/time, last modified date/time, file size and file version number
  • Updated links pointing to the GitHub documentation to the new GitHub Wiki location


12 Mar 23:18
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  • Fixed a bug where corrupted configuration entries could not be deleted issue 128


20 Jan 09:27
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  • Fixed a bug when you would go into the Graph Any Browser screen and close it again, that it would start throwing exceptions
  • Fixed a bug when you were in the SharePoint screen and would enter invalid data, that it would throw an exception


25 Dec 11:48
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  • Removed the OneDrive for Business option as the APIs behind this option have been removed by Microsoft. Use the "Any Browser" option on the OneDrive tab regardless of using OneDrive for Business or OneDrive Consumer from now on.
  • Added some better error handling around using the Any Browser option when something would fail


28 Oct 08:47
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  • Added a new authentication option via the Microsoft Graph API to use the device code login flow. This will allow you to use any kind of internet browser to authenticate to your OneDrive Consumer or OneDrive for Business site to open or store your KeePass database. This will avoid the issue many people were facing especially under Windows 10 where it would not allow you to specify yourself with which account to log on but instead automatically log you on based on the account you had configured in Windows 10. Many people used the OneDrive options on the Other tab before to circumvent the automatic logon issue. As the OneDrive for Business option on the Other tab will stop working in a week, this feature has been added to deal with the issue once and for all.


26 Sep 12:05
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  • Fixed the issue reported in issue 112 where opening a KeePass database from OneDrive would require you to log on twice. Thanks to keab for reporting this!


28 Jul 22:56
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  • Merged Pull Request 102 which should solve some issues around relative paths when using KeePass portable. Thanks to jfurtner for his contribution!
  • Added & changed shortcut keys to the right click menu option in the KeePass OneDriveSync config screen
    • Enter no longer opens the sync details screen as it was interfearing with some functions, use F1 instead
    • F1: Opens the sync details screen. Only works when one KeePass database is selected.
    • F2: Allows renaming of the storage name for the KeePass database(s) you have selected
    • F4: Starts syncing the selected entries, if those databases are currently open in KeePass
    • F5: Refreshes the list with configuration entries
    • F7: Open the local file locations of the KeePass database(s) you have selected
    • F8: Open the selected KeePass database(s) in KeePass (new feature)
    • DEL: Remove the KeePass OneDriveSync configuration entries for the selected KeePass database(s). It will not remove the KeePass database itself, just the KeePass OneDriveSync configuration for it.
    • CTRL+A: Select all KeePass databases
    • CTRL+SHIFT+A: Select all KeePass databases that no longer exist locally (red colored background)
    • CTRL+Click: Select another KeePass database
    • SHIFT+Click: Select all KeePass databases between the currently selected one and the one you're clicking on
    • Use the right click menu to select all KeePass databases that haven't synced in either the last 24 hours, last week, last 2 weeks or last month


24 Jul 08:51
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  • Various fixes around using "Shared with me" with Graph API
    • Fixed issue 55
    • Added decimal seperator to the file size in the tooltip balloons when hovering over files
    • Enabled the Up button to go back to the Shared with me overview if going into a shared folder
    • Fixed an issue with uploading a new KeePass database to a subfolder of a shared location on SharePoint where it would store it in the shared location instead of the subfolder

These fixes make it a lot easier now to store your KeePass database on a SharePoint Online (Team)site. See this article for instructions on how to do so.