Hi Viewer, I see that you are here in my mathematical investigations repository. This is my own work where I have tried to understand the mathematics behind any/every Machine Learning, Deep Learning concepts.
How to use this? It is a prerequisite that you know/ understand concepts on the basic level or in some cases practically
Usage clause- The topic is the file name Example: If you want to read about Correlation, the file name will have correlation in it.
Contribution/Contact: I am opening to collaborting with like minded researches/mathematicians/statisticians/Data Scientists/Machine Learning Engineers/ any one who is interested in contributing or improving the already published understanding. Please contact me @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/vamsikrishnakolaparthi/
I am also open to receive ideas for my next understanding topics. However you need to connect with me through Linkedin. Please feel free to share this to anyone who might need this document. I would also appreciate postive feedback, comments and social media mentions for the hardwork put in.
Cheers, Have a great day. Vamsi Krishna Kolaparthi