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No Maintenance Intended

The Kong homebrew formula is no longer supported, please consider using Docker instead for local development:

Homebrew Kong Tap

Homebrew tap for Kong 🍺

Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.

Install (stable)

$ brew tap kong/kong
==> Tapping kong/kong
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kong/homebrew-kong'...

$ brew install kong
==> Downloading
==> Downloading


Install HEAD (unstable)

HEAD points to Kong's next branch, the development branch for cutting edge installs:

$ brew install --HEAD kong
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
==> Cloning
Cloning into '/Users/if/Library/Caches/Homebrew/kong--git'...
==> Checking out branch master
==> Installing kong from kong/kong

Removing the Tap

$ brew untap kong/kong
Untapping kong/kong...
Untapped 6 formulae (23 files, 198.8KB).

Developing Formulae

Use a branch/tag of this tap

Developing formulae can be eased by setting a git ref (branch/tag) for the entire tap. This can be accomplished by tapping the tap, then using git checkout to arrive at the desired ref (for all formulae):

$ brew tap kong/kong
==> Tapping kong/kong

$ cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kong/homebrew-kong
Note: In Monterey it is /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/kong/homebrew-kong

$ git checkout release/3.0.0
Branch 'release/3.0.0' set up to track remote branch 'release/3.0.0' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'release/3.0.0'

$ brew install kong
==> Downloading
==> Downloading
==> Installing kong from kong/kong
==> Installing dependencies for kong/kong/kong: kong/kong/openresty@
==> Installing kong/kong/kong dependency: kong/kong/openresty@

Get the full output from the kong-ngx-build script by using the --verbose flag when installing:

$ brew install --verbose kong
==> ./kong-ngx-build --prefix /usr/local/Cellar/openresty@ --openresty --openssl 1.1.1q --luarocks 3.9.1 --pcre 8.45 -j 12
NOTICE: Downloading the components now...
/private/tmp/openrestyA1.21.4.1-20220913-30100-7mtl7u/kong-build-tools-4.33.10/openresty-build-tools/work /private/tmp/openrestyA1.21.4.1-20220913-30100-7mtl7u/kong-build-tools-4.33.10/openresty-build-tools
WARN: OpenSSL source not found, downloading...
NOTICE: Downloaded: d7939ce614029cdff0b6c20f0e2e5703158a489a72b2507b8bd51bf8c8fd10ca  openssl-1.1.1q.tar.gz

Run the tests that live in the formulae (after installing them):

$ brew test --verbose kong
==> Testing kong/kong/kong
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/test.rb (Formulary::FromPathLoader): loading /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kong/homebrew-kong/Formula/kong.rb
==> /usr/local/Cellar/kong/3.0.0/bin/kong version -vv 2>&1 | grep 'Kong:'
2022/09/13 11:42:04 [verbose] Kong: 3.0.0
==> kong config init /private/tmp/tmp.DYgJNwy8Xa
==> kong check /private/tmp/tmp.DYgJNwy8Xa
configuration at /private/tmp/tmp.DYgJNwy8Xa
 is valid

Use Kong

$ KONG_DATABASE=off kong start
Kong started

Get started by reading the documentation at: