A static analyzer extension for vscode and .NET Core. Allows you to quickly spot and fix problem areas in your code and to see code quality changes on the fly. Core-metrics is build on top of the excellent roslyn-analyzer.
NOTE: Currently core-metrics only works on windows since bundled roslyn-analyzer files are windows only.
The following metrics are calculated and treshholds can be set for these metrics.
- Cyclomatic Complexity: Maximum cyclomatic complexity, cyclomatic complexity indicates the number of possible branches in the control flow (if, switch/case, for- and while-loop statements.
- Class Coupling: Maximum (external) classed coupled in this method.
- Depth of Inheritance: Maximum depth of inheritance.
- Lines of Code: Maximum lines of code in a single method.
- Maintainability Index: Minimum requirement of maintainability. Based on Halstead volume, class coupling. Between 0 and 100, 100 being the best possible score.
Settings can be set in the regular settings panel. File -> Preferences -> Settings
. The settings for core-metrics can than be found by searching for coremetrics
or by selecting Extensions->Core Metrics Extension
in the treeview. The threshold values for flagging warnings can be set there.
By default (Entity-Framework) migrations are excluded by excluding the Migrations
folder, this can be changed in the coreMetrics.excludedFolders
This project is based on the roslyn-analyzer.