The project contains two versions (Python, C++) of RiffleScrambler - a memory-hard password storing function. Both versions slightly modify (optimize) original algorithms from the paper.
- RiffleScrambler library satisfying requirements of Password Hashing Competition
- rs command line interface
- Tests
- Benchmarks
Command line interface for using RiffleScrambler.
$ ./rs --help
Password hashing memory-hard function
RiffleScrambler Password is read from stdin [OPTION...] [optional args]
-s, --salt arg Salt for the given password
-w, --width arg Width of the graph (default: 12)
-d, --depth arg Number of stacks of the graph (default: 2)
-f, --func arg Internal hash function (default: sha256)
-h, --help Print help
$ echo -n "password" | ./rs somesalt -w 16 -d 2 -f sha224
Graph width: 16
Graph depth: 2
Hash: 166c88a5edfba7228fbf49a4bcd4cb2f01cc5fcdc850bf78c317a5c8
Encoded: $g=16$d=2$s=c29tZXNhbHQ=$f=sha224$h=MTY2Yzg4YTVlZGZiYTcyM(...)
Using Catch2.
Testing RiffleScrambler times and memory statistics for different parameters.
- RiffleScrambler library
- rs command line interface
Implementation in Python3.7.
Simple CLI.
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--width WIDTH] [--depth DEPTH] Password Salt
Riffle Scrambler
positional arguments:
Password Password to hash
Salt Salt for the given password
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--width WIDTH, -w WIDTH
Width of the graph
--depth DEPTH, -d DEPTH
How many time graph should be stacked
$ ./ passwd salt1 -w 12 -d 2